Guild Wars 2

I need to get saving and what not :p I'm only on 10 points which is annoying and it seems hard to get anything else unless I'm just being stupid?
I need to get saving and what not :p I'm only on 10 points which is annoying and it seems hard to get anything else unless I'm just being stupid?

Post a link to your HoM progress so far so I can check.

(log into the calculator and click the save or share button to get a link).
I need to get saving and what not :p I'm only on 10 points which is annoying and it seems hard to get anything else unless I'm just being stupid?

Link your game accounts (3 points)

Put any Mini Pet in your HoM (1 point)

Get any pet to lv20 (1 point)

Get MOX (1 point)

Buy Kurzick or Luxon Elite Armor (2 points)

Finish any of the games (2 point)

That nets you a nice easy 10 points straight off the bat.

Easiest titles to get after those:

Sunspear & Lightbringer - Start vq Elona and you'll have maxed both long before you finish.

Luxon/Kurzick - You only need Rank 4 to be able to put it in your HoM, which is 550,000 faction/each. Do which ever your guild is currently alligned to, donate faction to your guild/buy faction skills and you get DOUBLE points towards your title, e.g. donate 10k faction, get 20k points on the title track. Can easily be done in one weeked playing Jade Quarry or some Alliance Battles.

Protector of Elona/Tyria/Cantha - Just finish all missions in each world with the bonus objectives complete, or within the time limit.

That'll get you up to 14 points. By the time you've fiished doing those you'd have a fair bit of cash saved up, go buy a destroyer weapon for another 2 points, giving you 16.

Go do the War In Kryta quests, by the time you have finished you'll have enough items to get an Oppressor Weapon, 17 points.

You'll probably have enough saved up for another couple of elite armour sets for another point, 18.

Go do the 'Black Moa Chick' scavanger hunt, and complete Sorrows Furnace in the process for another point, and another statue for your monument, 19 points.

Go complete the 'Black Moa' quests and tame it as your pet, add it to the monument for a further point, 20 points.

You're 2/3rds of the way there, and all of that can be done well within a month, if not less if you have the hours to put in.

Getting from 20-30 is a fair bit more time/money consuming.
GW still has the most content for a FTP MMO, plus the missions are very varied whereas a lot of other MMOs are just massive wastelands with nothing different to do in them. Anet werent going to release any new content after EOTN because they went straight onto making GW2, but they still had a small team dedicated to keeping GW patched and updated, plus some new end game content.

WiK became my favorite thing in the game, though I hated the amount of flagging you had to do it on each character, and then it could only be completed once :(

Battle for Lions Arch is just pure awesome, or at lest it was before they nerfed the difficulty.

I'm not interested in the new Cantha stuff they put in though.

I know they weren't planning to release new content, but they still want to keep the game alive and keep people interested in GW2.

By new content, I mean even a rehaul of the deep, urgoz, FoW... things like that. Just so it's not the same speed clear all the bloody time or so Urgoz and the Deep actually get people to running through it again.

Adding Dhuum to UW was a step in the right direction, FoW end boss would be sweet.

WiK is fun, but how they managed to get cantha so wrong again I have no idea.
Anyone free to help me on the mission 'Nahpui Quarter' Please? I'm looking at getting masters if anyones interested :) :D
Get any pet to lv20 (1 point)

You dont need to do this one:

- Roll a PVP character and equip charm animal
- Go to Zaishen Menargerie, add a free level 20 wolf
- Relog to a PVE character, go to menargerie and charm the level 20 wolf
- add to HoM.

Free +1 point.
Can an admin change the name of this thread to "Guild Wars 1" please? To prevent people coming here hoping to see updates about a game that clearly isn't being discussed at all.
Discussion will restart tommorow with the release of new information. No new info = no new discussions. Unless you want this to degenerate into the semi-flame war that is the SWToR thread - they're discussing the game but...
Battle for Lions Arch is just pure awesome, or at lest it was before they nerfed the difficulty.

I'm not interested in the new Cantha stuff they put in though.

Loved battle for LA. Playing as the sole monk is still a challenge, but not overly difficult if you team has 1/2 a brain between them.

Winds Of Change sucks though, and it's in Cantha, a boring maze. Still gonna complete it some day, today even :)
Anyone know the price for "Transmogrifier Tonic"


This just reminded me of a uni housemate hat got his first black dye in pre searing.

- I just got a black dye, how much is it worth?
- A lot, keep it
- But the merchant says its only 1g?
- Ok then, I'll give you 2g for it
- lol no.

A couple of days later he went to work with his door left open, and his GW account left logged it.

He ended up missing a black dye and all his armor :D

(I gave it back after)
^ Aha sneaky :p I bet he wondered what the hell happened :p

I've checked Guru and it says the Tonic is worth 350 - 500e but that can't be right can it? (I hope it is :D)
Yeah only EL's are worth anything, and only certain ones are worth a lot (Margo/Destroyer/Ghostly etc).
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