Guild Wars 2

@ Bhavv : cheers, I don't have the Ritualist class available to me (only have Nighfall) but luckily I had already chose the Monk so I'll see how I progress with that combo.

I was hoping to grab the pack that includes the Assassin soon, always enjoyed being sneaky so might make that a pay-day treat !
holy cow you maxed out minipets without anything else. thats actually messed up! here my HoM atm. Not great but meh.

Currently completeing 22HM books then will hand all of them in at once to get all maxed eotn race titles, max master of the north title and legendary survivor :) That will be a good day :) Not to mention like 90k in plat just from books and a bunch of loot from the runs. Not amazing loot. But it all adds up. Also eyeing up buying R3 zaishen (for a HoM point) and maybe if insanely lucky getting a win drop but im not holding my breath for that. after that legendary guardian. never did finish getting it so yeh...
Just run to the next mission area, you can access them all straight away with a character from a different land.
Yeah I read the article yesterday, the redesign is a massive improvement.

Though I'm still going to be Charr :D
I was terribly against the sylvari at first, but as I said, they have grown on me a bit!

I still hope the norn are going to be admited to being a very long running joke and won't be implemented... 'norn don't need armies' no, they need 8 heroes to do every little bloody thing for them.

The norse thing is waaay over done, and they just seem like really obnoxious fat, hairy humans... (No not Geordies)

Bring on the mesmer!!
They are looking a lot more fun than humans. I know I want to make an Elementalist, Mesmer (if they arent the last class then I will personally organize a riot to burn down Anet HQ), Guardian and a Thief.

I definitely want to make a human mesmer that follows Lyssa as her diety for RP reasons (my mesmer in GW1 was my oly female character because male mesmers were fugly).

I want a Norn Guardian because either Guardian or Ranger seems to fit the Norn the best (from an RP perspective again, and I dont like playing rangers)

I wanted to be a human elementalist, but if the mesmer is going to be a Human for sure then I would want something else. RP wise elementalist + engineer would be the Asura's favored classses (magic + engineering + pew pew pew is what they are meant to do). For a Sylvari, and Earth specialized elementalist would fit. I dislike asuras and like the Sylvari a lot more now ....

For the Thief I am undecided. It doesnt really seem to fit any particular race, and it wouldnt be a main character, so maybe if I use a Sylvari for my elementalist main, and an Asura for the thief.

Then I also want to have an Engineer, again as a test alt like the thief and not a main character. A charr would be great for this as Warrior or Engineer seems to fit them the best.


Human Mesmer
Sylvari Elementalist
Norn Guardian
Asura Thief
Charr Engineer.

I hope we get 5 character slots at least, one for each race. The necromancer, ranger and warrior are all boring classes to me and I'll never want to play them, so that plan seems nice.
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