Guild Wars 2

bhavv you getting obby on an ele? cheaper due to no headgear :D which puts you pretty close to them !

You dont need any headgear too complete the sets, just 105 ecto and shards. Im not grinding them much atm, I'll have it done and a couple of Eotn reputation titles before GW2 comes out, and thats GW1 done.

I am NOT bothering with Gwamm, that thing is just a pure epic grindfest.

It all looks great at first, but in GW1 they seriously messed up HA, GvG, Hero Arenas were a pure joke, Codex is unfun and hugely pointless, and they bloody removed team arenas because they are pure daft (Far many more people enjoyed and played team arenas than people play Codex).

I seriously hope that GW2 desnt do the same as what the first did, brilliant and near perfect game at first, and then a whole load of 'WTH are the developers smoking' type updates and changes.
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Man, I wish I still had my old account, I was unfortunate enough to get 2 accounts hacked and I couldn't get them back, would really like to get back into Guild Wars 1 before GW 2 come out but skint atm haha.
I had 2 of my 6 accounts hacked but only cos they broke into my NCSoft account and changed the passwords from the website. I'm still trying to figure out how they knew a character from the 2nd account they managed to access.

The main problem with GW1, was that it was originally designed as a PvP game, with the designer thinking that most people would progress to PvP once they'd finished the campaign.

What ended up happening is that they underestimated the amount of PvE that the players wanted to do. And because all the skills were the same in PvP and PvE, what ended up getting nerfed in PvP because of abuse, ended up affecting PvE as well.

And as most monsters in PvE, used the same skills as the players, PvE became 'not as difficult'.. Leading to more abuse in PvP, more nerf's.. rinse, repeat.. until some people said they could face-foll PvE..

Generally PvP'rs and PvE'rs don't mix, without a lot of name calling and Elitism.
Going to be a quality game hopefully i remember talking about it with friends whilst i was still playing the first one about 4 years ago!
I liked one of the youtube comments; 'Shut up and take my money' :)

Me too, though I'd rather say 'shut up and gimmeh game now!'.

I like all the 'typical MMO' fans who keep on trying to find reasons to dismiss GW2, they amuse me with their jealousy :D
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