Guild Wars 2

Anyone have a guess on the price for GW2? What if they were to sell it for £50 for the basic version would people still buy it? Im sure they could justfy selling it for over the normal game price since it will be so awesome, but will they?.

The only place i can see it at the moment is game and they have it for £35.
It's only worth it if you have friends already in an active guild / alliance, and you are willing to dedicate a fair amount of time to it.

Else you'll be on your own, and imo, a waste of time and money.

Should add that "a fair amount of time" to actually achieve anything in it that would count towards GW2 or even to complete all 4 games main stories is a bit of an understatement :p Try a hell of a lot of time!

I'd love to unlock more hom stuff (i only have something like 8 out of 50 lol) I just don't know where to start or what to do, and even if i did it'd probably be too hard for me to do on my own :(
What if they were to sell it for £50 for the basic version would people still buy it?

I'm willing to sell organs for this one. I will be pre-ordering, at the earliest possible opportunity, the biggest, most deluxest, most overpriced limited edition I can. Then I will fondle it lovingly.
It's only worth it if you have friends already in an active guild / alliance, and you are willing to dedicate a fair amount of time to it.

Else you'll be on your own, and imo, a waste of time and money.

No not really.

This isnt a game where you have to group up with others. 90% of PVE will be based around running around on your own, and naturally coming across other players through the dynamic events system - no need for grouping, you just play and participate with everyone around you.

Group content will be 5 man dungeons, no more than that. The group size was lowered significantly because the main problem in GW1 and other MMOs is how long it takes to form groups with other players. There is no raid type content in GW1 / GW2, just DEs, dungeons and elite areas for the end game, which have the potential to be very hard and challenging, but in GW1 they werent due to how overpowered the meta builds were.

Dynamic Events will eradicate the need for raid type content, and will actually serve a far larger group of players playing together at the same time, but without any delay for having to form groups, or looking for specific healer / tank / DPS roles.

GW1 was very much worth it even when playing solo. Other players quickly became a negative for me compared to playing with AI. There wont be any AI characters in GW2, but the open world is designed to be 100% soloable with difficulty scaling based on the number of players present, and as mentioned above group content is catered for with.

I'll definitely be playing GW2 almost entirely solo from the start. I wont bother with any content that requires grouping, and wont need it (play through the tutorial, then jump straight into WvWvW and DEs).

Also everything that you could possibly need and learn about this game is contained in this one thread:

Its a must read.

I'd love to unlock more hom stuff (i only have something like 8 out of 50 lol) I just don't know where to start or what to do, and even if i did it'd probably be too hard for me to do on my own :(

Actually its significantly easier and faster to max the HoM, or just get 30 points playing on your own. I've completed Prophecies, Nightfall and Eotn on my second noob account with next to no skill unlocks and playing solo, GW1 has become ridiculously easy today with all the overpowered skill buffs.
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Forgot all about this! I think I only played the first part of guild wars (was cheap and didnt buy the expansions).

Another noob question, I've seen a lot of people mentioned HOM points etc. Do these count towards GW2? (I know I should read through the read, but id be here til GW2 comes out! :p)
I liked the original GW, but never really got into it massively. Hoping GW2 will grab me and devour my life like Skyrim has, Oblivion before that and Diablo 2 before that. Roll on release date!
When I played DDO, it wasnt so much the raids that destroyed my experience, but all of the following:

- Filling a full group and finding a healer
- Time taken to get raid groups of 12 players set up
- Timer of around 3 days on each raid
- EPIC grind for the best stat equipment, and for epic items.

Typically, any game which takes forever ages to get stuff done, and get the best stat gear puts me off right away.

Surprisingly I just managed to get Maple Story working, and since its recent updates its firmly become my second favorite 'online RPG' -

- Barely any level grind now, it only took me 2 days to go from level 65-80, whereas a year ago this would have taken weeks.

- Gear other than your weapon or magic damage being completely irrelevant to completing the game (my main character at level 80 is still using level 30ish stat irrelevant).

- Full crafting system that lets you make all the end game gear you could possibly need yourself.

You can easily log in, play, level and enjoy the game without having to pay to win, the cash store is very similar to GW with mostly cosmetic and storage stuff, but it also has double EXP and Drop cards which I've never needed, plus the gambling tickets, but you dont need these as you can easily craft the best gear in the game now.
I'm guessing this game will be released around Late May/June ?

Is it worth picking up Guild Wars ? I am so sick of WoW for similar reasons Bhav mentioned, you can't do anything on your own and finding other players can be so hard and time wasting. I want a game where I can do it and my own pace and do what I want when I want, I don't want to tell my gf, oh sorry , I got a raid at 7, probably take me like 4 hours, don't talk to me until I'm finished. :rolleyes:
I'll definitely be playing GW2 almost entirely solo from the start. I wont bother with any content that requires grouping, and wont need it (play through the tutorial, then jump straight into WvWvW and DEs).

Actually its significantly easier and faster to max the HoM, or just get 30 points playing on your own. I've completed Prophecies, Nightfall and Eotn on my second noob account with next to no skill unlocks and playing solo, GW1 has become ridiculously easy today with all the overpowered skill buffs.

When you say on your own do you mean purely with heroes or literally on your own?

I enjoy the game but i've never been able to get in to the toil of learning all the best skill combinations etc, it's not a part of any MMO/RPG that has ever interested me, i've just gone down the path of whacking some on that look good and hoping for the best. It's got me quite far but doesn't work so well on the harder sections of the game.

The most enjoyable time on guild wars for me was when it was first released, getting in to groups be it with mates or random people and hoping the combination you had was capable of making it through the missions :D Nowadays you're lucky to see many signs of life anywhere beside kamadan :(
Got 40/50 HoM with all the armors / minis and the Zaishen title. Will have to do - Dont really like any of the 40+ titles, if I use any it will probably be Ghostly Hero :D. Really unwilling to grind any more out.

Some pretty weird info:

One thing that separates what we’re doing from the rest of the MMO market is that we aren’t using a simple, one-way connection to get information from the game. We have constructed a high-speed connection to the Guild Wars 2 server and database architecture, allowing us to not only retrieve information from the game but also push data into the game in real time.

It’s really this key piece of technology that opens the door for us to create an almost endless number of applications. This is why we referred to our PAX demo as the “tip of the iceberg.” For those of you who were unable to attend PAX this year, I’ll describe our demonstration in more detail. We were showing an iPhone and iPad, both running a real-time world map display. We demonstrated the ability to watch your friends move around in the game and see dynamic events as they become active, all exactly as it’s happening in-game. We showed that users have the ability to chat instantly with anyone on their friends list. It’s the two-way connection with our servers that makes it possible to chat between a mobile device, located anywhere in the world, and in-game players.

Also, this armor set is amazing imo:
When you say on your own do you mean purely with heroes or literally on your own?

I enjoy the game but i've never been able to get in to the toil of learning all the best skill combinations etc, it's not a part of any MMO/RPG that has ever interested me, i've just gone down the path of whacking some on that look good and hoping for the best. It's got me quite far but doesn't work so well on the harder sections of the game.

The most enjoyable time on guild wars for me was when it was first released, getting in to groups be it with mates or random people and hoping the combination you had was capable of making it through the missions :D Nowadays you're lucky to see many signs of life anywhere beside kamadan :(
dont worry, i will hook up with on this game homie!
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