Guild Wars 2

Grouping in GW1 however was always about as enjoyable as having to clean up horse manure. I dont believe that anyone honestly enjoys it unless they are the people that are unable to play the game without being carried through it by other players.

You're starting to get on my **** now, mate. You're entitled to your opinion but insulting those of us who enjoyed grouping is a bit beyond the pale, yes? I finished Prophecies and Factions in groups and loved every minute of it.
I wish people would stop talking about GW1 in this thread. Always gets me excited that there is new stuff about GW2 out! :(
Ah cheers some useful info there :) I'm on practically the final mission of eotn which I got stuck on, completed proph, yet to complete factions or nf though. Working my way through nf currently. :)

Hit me up ingame Sorrows Quickshot, will run you through the last mission of EoTN if you haven't already.

In more GW2 related things, does anyone know if there is any information regarding the elite/end game areas of the game? Another underworld perhaps?
You're starting to get on my **** now, mate. You're entitled to your opinion but insulting those of us who enjoyed grouping is a bit beyond the pale, yes? I finished Prophecies and Factions in groups and loved every minute of it.

And there is nothing stopping you from still grouping up with other players who love every minute of failing with pugs :D

Tell me how many other games there are as big as GW in which it is possible to find a full group of 8 players for 100% of the content? Im guessing there are none. Blaming heroes because it is difficult to make a group in GW is always incredibly short sighted and completely overlooking why you cant find groups in the first place - because most players didnt enjoy it, and even if they did the chances are that they dont want to play the part of the game that you are making a group for.

Pugging is still alive - Go to GTOB and play the daily bounties, check out DOA, UW and FoW, the end game is where all the groups are at, just like almost every other MMORPG. For just about all of that, and anything else in the game, the only way you can get into a group is if you can speed clear and run the specific class and build that the group requests, hardly as fun as being able to experiment with building your own team builds with the hundreds of skills available in the game.
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No it actually didnt, Guild Wars had a single player option from the start with henchmen, but Alesia was a retard, Lina would start casting a 0 attribute 6s cast Renew Life mid battle leaving everyone to die, and all the Warrior henchmen had Charge. In prophecies the AI option was simply worse than the worst Pugs.

You forgot to mention that complete and utter cretin, Orion, and how he just used to spam Firestorm. A tactic that got even more laughable when they introduced the scatter on AoE routine into the enemies AI.
Hit me up ingame Sorrows Quickshot, will run you through the last mission of EoTN if you haven't already.

In more GW2 related things, does anyone know if there is any information regarding the elite/end game areas of the game? Another underworld perhaps?

:D Cheers, will add you later and message you when i see you on next :)
Before this thread turns ugly. I believe the whole point of GW2 is that while the normal day to day encounters will be soloable, It is both FUN and REWARDING to play with mates (skill interactions get me excited!) also with the boss scaling and participation based rewards. No dedicated healers/holy trinity It should in theory mean grouping is ALWAYS a positive experience. You also dont need to actually form set parties. Just see some peeps. go join em. All the hastle is removed.
Before this thread turns ugly. I believe the whole point of GW2 is that while the normal day to day encounters will be soloable, It is both FUN and REWARDING to play with mates (skill interactions get me excited!) also with the boss scaling and participation based rewards. No dedicated healers/holy trinity It should in theory mean grouping is ALWAYS a positive experience. You also dont need to actually form set parties. Just see some peeps. go join em. All the hastle is removed.

Exactly, this is something is lacking.
It couldn't come sooner, I wasn't much of a GW1 fan, I only played it in beta man I had no idea :D

But in all MMO's Ive ever played, it's been with my brother and two other friends, all hardcore avid MMO/gamers and we always, always try to fill the trinity roles.

Latest example was swtor, I ended up playing a faction and class I sort of now regret but, the only time I ever do hard-mode flashpoints is when they are on, simply because I haven't met a single other game as good as them, I know their styles, we clear all content half-asleep and we have the right mix of classes.

If one's asleep, it's a pain to find a decent other player if one's on holiday? He falls behind for months, if I decide I'm tired of tanking and want to dps? I'm asked to go tank again :(

In GW2? None of this, just play, someone not on? That's ok! It is scaled.
My friend won't be back on hols for months? That's fine, I can rank down to his level at any time, any place, do the quests and still get reward whilst most importantly HAVING FUN! or I can scale him up to do higher content when I decide to with other friends.

The market place, gathering being uniquely shared...I'm just so glad the devs of GW2 have though about the players individually and as a whole.
Exactly, this is something is lacking.
It couldn't come sooner, I wasn't much of a GW1 fan, I only played it in beta man I had no idea :D

But in all MMO's Ive ever played, it's been with my brother and two other friends, all hardcore avid MMO/gamers and we always, always try to fill the trinity roles.

Latest example was swtor, I ended up playing a faction and class I sort of now regret but, the only time I ever do hard-mode flashpoints is when they are on, simply because I haven't met a single other game as good as them, I know their styles, we clear all content half-asleep and we have the right mix of classes.

If one's asleep, it's a pain to find a decent other player if one's on holiday? He falls behind for months, if I decide I'm tired of tanking and want to dps? I'm asked to go tank again :(

In GW2? None of this, just play, someone not on? That's ok! It is scaled.
My friend won't be back on hols for months? That's fine, I can rank down to his level at any time, any place, do the quests and still get reward whilst most importantly HAVING FUN! or I can scale him up to do higher content when I decide to with other friends.

The market place, gathering being uniquely shared...I'm just so glad the devs of GW2 have though about the players individually and as a whole.

wow, I couldnt agree more. I have had the exactly the same thing happen to me, I also play with my brother and a couple of friends but we dont always play at the same time and have lots of different lifes so cant always play together, Which means in swtor we are all now different levels and cant really play together anymore, I have had to make alts to play with my brother again, and redoing the leveling in that game is so boring its unreal.

I really like the idea or making myself lower level to play with friends, And you can up there level so they can play with you also, And world pvp you can aprrentice people aswell.

It seems like they have really thought about how to make the game accessable to as many people as possible, And removed a lot of the restrictions to modem mmos that annoy people.

Also if people want me to post info about this game i can, hopefully we can drown out the talk of GW1? :D

The best place to find info is to sign up on twitter for everything guild wars 2 related. That way if any info on say guildwars2insider comes up you know! :cool:

I was reading a interview with the pvp devs the other day that was really cool, I will try and get a link for you all.
Yeah. I particularly like being able to level down to help new guys. 99% of the time on MMOs now days (particularly older ones) is spent speed pulling new guys to max level and clearing old content solo. Level cap increases make the entire rest of the game mostly redundant. And so. No fun at all even if those old raids/dungeons were great at the time, now they are a cakewalk. By scaling you down. You can enjoy all the low level content as it was designed to be played and help that new mate/new clanny out. Without being bored. And without him feeling useless and not really learning anything.
I do hope the camera can be adjusted like in GW. Most videos I see of GW are playing from close behind in 3rd person with what appears to be keyboard movement controls.

My wife can't play like that it makes her feel sick, so she plays GW zoomed out as far as poss and point and click mouse movement then she's fine.

I'm hoping GW2 has the same ability as she's really looking forward to the game :(
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I do hope the camera can be adjusted like in GW. Most videos I see of GW are playing from close behind in 3rd person with what appears to be keyboard movement controls.

My wife can't play like that it makes her feel sick, so she plays GW zoomed out as far as poss and point and click mouse movement then she's fine.

I'm hoping GW2 has the same ability as she's really looking forward to the game :(

Isn't active dodging one of the key new features, meaning movement purely by mouse will hamper the player?
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