Guild Wars 2


You're asking how a 7(?) year old game will look like, go on youtube is the best bet.
No release date known and yes, people do meet up.

Edit: Seems from other posts you're new to PC gaming, considering GW1 is that old, you need to realise that just because your PC is that much newer, you don't suddenly get better graphics once everything is maxed.
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ah right thanks for the comments now :) yes I am completely new to this and the spec I said in a post it my first 'build' but its only a starting build ready for upgrade and so on
GW1 is pretty old, so if you don't like bad/old graphics then you probably will not like it. Like ChrisJSY said in the above post, check youtube to see what it is like.

Slightly off topic but GW 1 has aged quite well due to its art style but does look slightly dated.

As for these posts asking whether to try out GW1 before 2 comes out I can't really says it's worth it now. The campaigns require a lot of time invested and if you want to unlock things for GW2 it is going to take even longer. But maybe try to get some idea around the lore online by for example watching videos of the cutscenes on youtube may be useful.

How do you have challenging content? Its one thing that's concerning me.

The healer / tank dcing is one thing that dynamic events will get rid of and I know what you mean -- that it sucks when you have a group full of derps who aren't communicating, but how do you have difficult content?

These people aren't just going to go away, they're going to by faux cooperating with you, 'im in ur dynamic event' style. Stupid people arent even the worst, what about people afking dynamic events or botting and not contributing but also inflating the scaling.

Hoping dungeons and explorable modes are solid, there are a punch of potential balance issues, but that probably isn't even worth speculating over at this point.
In the future, all MMOs will be removing the single worst aspect of this genre - having to depend on a group of morons to be able to play the game.

Yip becasue removing the multiplayer element from MMO is a great thing.

For those who hate everyone (like you seem to Bhaav :p) it's a great feature but I actually want to play with people in an MMO or it defeats the whole purpose of it being an MMO.

These people aren't just going to go away, they're going to by faux cooperating with you, 'im in ur dynamic event' style. Stupid people arent even the worst, what about people afking dynamic events or botting and not contributing but also inflating the scaling.

This had me wondering as well, someone could essentially afk through the whoel game and nothing you can do about it. Rather than making you free as a bird because you can just walk away every event you turn up at could be made impossible by those you are with not trying/afk'ing etc but because they are there the difficulty has scaled upward making it impossible for you to do alone/with the 1 or 2 other competent/interested people.

There is potential for this game to be more reliant on good players than other MMO's because you turn up for a quest with 3 people who aren't trying and you are bummed. You could (in the worst case scenario) get stuck and not be bale to advance for hours because of others and considering your opinion of most MMO players bhaav this could happen all the time!11!1!1
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How do you have challenging content? Its one thing that's concerning me.

The healer / tank dcing is one thing that dynamic events will get rid of and I know what you mean -- that it sucks when you have a group full of derps who aren't communicating, but how do you have difficult content?

These people aren't just going to go away, they're going to by faux cooperating with you, 'im in ur dynamic event' style. Stupid people arent even the worst, what about people afking dynamic events or botting and not contributing but also inflating the scaling.

Hoping dungeons and explorable modes are solid, there are a punch of potential balance issues, but that probably isn't even worth speculating over at this point.

Saw one video of the beta where there was one terrible player(rubbish reporters...) who was just standing around near where the cameraman and another player was killing a mob, therefore making the mob scale to three person difficulty.

It was low level so they managed to defeat it and I can see how it would become annoying, but I guess if there was 50 players there and 1 was afk then it wouldn't effect the game too much...

And different classes using different weapons can play different roles, so although there isn't the trinity you can still have the tanks, healers and dps..The only difference is that people can switch weapons to switch roles...
Yip becasue removing the multiplayer element from MMO is a great thing.

For those who hate everyone (like you seem to Bhaav :p) it's a great feature but I actually want to play with people in an MMO or it defeats the whole purpose of it being an MMO.

I think the argument is more on the over reliance of people, meaning everyone.
Everyone, including complete noobs to pros.

Personal experience shows me that most people are bad, two dimensional thinkers with no foresight. This is in terms of gameplay mechanics, abilities, spatial awareness, reactions and more.

It figuratively makes my brain haemorrhage, but generally I can rely on a core group of like minded friends. When it comes to anything more than these people, encounters that require numbers, it's where I fall apart, I just need to be able to clone myself. CLOOOOOOOOOOOOONES!

And different classes using different weapons can play different roles, so although there isn't the trinity you can still have the tanks, healers and dps..The only difference is that people can switch weapons to switch roles...

Isn't it more, one class can take a beating without having to dodge more than another, in the case of engineer/mesmer in yogscast this is the cast when they fight that level 3 fish boss for like 5-6mins, engi can sit there much longer, mesmer has to run about when low. But I've read there's NO direct heals, it's all cone/aoes and secondary(E.G The heals are a byproduct of doing damage, if friends are near they get a little health)? True or not? I don't know!
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Guildie found this video from the press event weekend.

45 minutes of world vs world pvp, fast forward 6 minutes to the action :)
If this is an example of things to come then im a very happy chappy.

I know that these people only played for a couple of days, But its just unbearable to watch back deddeling clickers play a mmo, they make it look so boring..

The WvW does look amazing though, Totalbiscuit said he has like 10 hours of WvW but i dont think he has uploading it yet.
Just reading a review and it said the quests ate split between "tasks" and "events". Tasks are bog standard mmo quest fare you pick up from someone the events are the in world stuff they always bang on about (having never mentioned tasks anywhere On their webbie just events) it would be interesting to know a break down of how many quests are tasks and how many are events.

As far as I am aware there is no ally targeting at all, buffing / healing is aoe based. So there will probably be no focused healer, necro wells / water elementalists look decent for aoe healing though.

Mace / shield warriors look like they will be pretty tough.

Edit - after watching the Ascalon Catacombs vid, it looks like boss fights etc will just be stacked with aoe, so boss damage isnt a huge deal, its the mass amount of aoe you will need to be careful of.
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How do you have challenging content? Its one thing that's concerning me.

The healer / tank dcing is one thing that dynamic events will get rid of and I know what you mean -- that it sucks when you have a group full of derps who aren't communicating, but how do you have difficult content?

These people aren't just going to go away, they're going to by faux cooperating with you, 'im in ur dynamic event' style. Stupid people arent even the worst, what about people afking dynamic events or botting and not contributing but also inflating the scaling.

Hoping dungeons and explorable modes are solid, there are a punch of potential balance issues, but that probably isn't even worth speculating over at this point.

Consider that failure is actually a valid option in GW2; basically, failing leads to its own events, so in a way, they're allowed to make it harder than something like RIFT (at least in later zones), otherwise we'd miss half the content.

I think ANet have a system that excludes AFK's from affecting the scaling. Now botting, I don't know how that will be dealt with.

Just reading a review and it said the quests ate split between "tasks" and "events". Tasks are bog standard mmo quest fare you pick up from someone the events are the in world stuff they always bang on about (having never mentioned tasks anywhere On their webbie just events) it would be interesting to know a break down of how many quests are tasks and how many are events.

Honestly, that's just terminology utilised by the reviewer on the spot. The quests are all events, but there are separate types of events.

Elite events = Require a whole bunch of people and are supposed to be pretty damn hard. Quantity wise, it would seem that the endgame zones (Orr) apparently are full of pretty much elite events.

Meta-events = Something new it would seem, these tell the "story" of a zone and can cover up to a quarter of a zone alone. Typically larger than your standard event.

Events = Ran out of words :P These tend to be smaller than meta events and consist of tug-of-war style of gameplay it would seem, e.g pirate invasion pushing them back and forth across a chain until some resolution is reached.

Renown events = These are probably the "tasks" mentioned. These are static things that change over time; you may be feeding some cows on a farm earlier, go out to do some other more interesting events, come back and the whole bloody place is alight with bandits attacking. Completing these allows you access to special vendors. These seem to be generally the "lazy-mode" stuff, for when people can't be asked to explore or run around looking for events. As a result, they tend to be the least interesting of the events, I'm assuming so people don't merely play these. I believe someone found a number somewhere of 200-odd renown events.
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