I'm at a bit of a loss now. I love the extra story lines that are going on, and the festive games are ok the first time. Crafting was also great fun, until you get to 400 and it now takes massive grind to get up the levels.
They also seem to ruin the queen jubilee thing, where you could only grind tickets (which I hated)
I left getting into dungeons and pvp/wvw until about a year of playing the game, so I've been enjoying them.
Now I've done most things and explored every map (5 times over!) there doesn't seem to be a lot to do other than grind like crazy to get ascended gear that has slightly better stats that what I already have got.
I've definitely got my moneys worth 10 times over. I have a load of 'ascending' type crafting materials but have no interest in the massive grind to get a different looking sword or gun that has marginally better stats that my exotic stuff.
Am I missing anything else? I still see massive amount of people playing, and think I must be missing something, or are they all grinding?
I seem to go on now and grind the mystic forge, which makes lots of gold but then I go and spend a few hundred on lvl 70-80 weapons in hope of getting one of the decent ones in the forge... which has not happened so far after sinking well over 1000 gold into it... but I had fun doing it!
Ive seen these guild quest markers but im not in a guild so have no access. What are they?