Guild Wars 2

Not mine, my mesmer is condi based which half the time is practically useless on PvE.

My warrior would fair better but hes about stuns and cripples etc...

Ignore that i remember i have spare gear for more DPS roles.

If I recall mesmer Condition damage isnt that great, everyone says its bad, haven't got my CD build to work that well, building a flat damage on now.
will add you to the slate again bud?

People to Add to Guild
  • Melawen.3528
  • Neverender.3752
  • Sega Mega Dave.4195

It shall be done tonight :D

to all of you who join, could you please represent, Im not being stingy I just don't want to whisper to everyone individually X'D

everyone has been added welcome to the guild :D
Got level 18 tonight, I have to say the graphics and the environments can be breath taking in a lot of places. Havent played this since release but I cant remember it looking this stunning. Found a big underwater area and its got to be the best looking underwater area in any game ive seem. I followed someone to an underwater cave through a labyrinth of tunnels just so I could get the point of interest. And its was just great to see all the colourful coral everywhere.
Just been messing about with GIMP and G'MIC using the 'Dream Smoothing' filter to make an 'oil painting' style pic of my main character. First attempt turned out better than expected :D

Thanks for the invite last night.
Enjoyed starting to level my new Ranger. Hopefully get some decent game time in over the next few weeks and get involved in some group action.
That dungeon was fun last night, bloody hard though! Pity I'm a bit naff at the game at the moment, I get a bit "rabbit in car headlights" once all the flashing etc starts going off so trying to stay in the healing circles is often a bit of a pain. Trying to balance staying in healing range and moving away from danger zones is quite a difficult aspect to learn of dungeon fighting i think? (Unless I'm just really really bad at the game)
That dungeon was fun last night, bloody hard though! Pity I'm a bit naff at the game at the moment, I get a bit "rabbit in car headlights" once all the flashing etc starts going off so trying to stay in the healing circles is often a bit of a pain. Trying to balance staying in healing range and moving away from danger zones is quite a difficult aspect to learn of dungeon fighting i think? (Unless I'm just really really bad at the game)

maybe I can work on my AOE heal positions a bit to work with it, I can after all only heal so much and if the most injured are away from danger I can focus them

Thanks for the invite last night.
Enjoyed starting to level my new Ranger. Hopefully get some decent game time in over the next few weeks and get involved in some group action.

shouldn't take you too long to get there whats your character/ race?
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