Guild Wars 2

Done triple trouble the last two attempts and completed the tequatl achievements in only 2 days spread over 3 tequatl kills. :p getting lucky lately :D
Well I managed to get path 2 & 3 done but dear me the place is hard! Lupi who is standard for every path is a PITA and the dodge runs are unforgiving to say the least.

Endgame in dungeons like this Necros are pretty useless. Rogue, Mes, Guard, Ele, Warr can all offer something but as a Necro get carried most of he way through.
Got to level 80, bought my exotic armor set/weapon and finished the personal story.

Not really sure what to do next tbh, this game feels boring at 80
Like any other MMO do what you want to do;

- farm for ascended gear for upgrades
- farm dungeons for appearance kit
- map completion
- wvw
- spvp
- achievement completion
- profession
- alt (s)

There's loads to do just find something you want to do.

Im splitting my time between getting the fantastic gear set from Arah for the Necro and getting my ascended trinkets.
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Are people actually using the TS server? I haven't been around much recently (thanks work!) but hopefully once it starts settling down I'll have more time to actually play!
still waiting on a guild invite myself! Havent played a huge amount past month, but sat at 94% map completion now, still not stepped into a dungeon/fractal either :D

Any release date set for expax?
still waiting on a guild invite myself! Havent played a huge amount past month, but sat at 94% map completion now, still not stepped into a dungeon/fractal either :D

Any release date set for expax?

if you give me the name again i will invite both of you tonight, I use the TS server myself whenever I remember to turn on TS, I dont see many on it but we should totally get people on it and do some fractals together
Got to level 80, bought my exotic armor set/weapon and finished the personal story.

Not really sure what to do next tbh, this game feels boring at 80
If you enjoy combat, pvp and wvw are two activities you can play indefinitely - I happen to love both, despite how they have evolved (or not) since launch.

The other option is dungeons/fractals, but I happen to hate pve combat so don't enjoy those activities.

And of course go through the huge checklist of achievements - jumping puzzles, crafting, wardrobe skins, ascended/legendary equipment (recommend ascended for wvw if solo roaming tbh), etc.

The game has plenty of repetitive multiplayer activities, as well as the "traditional mmo grinding nonsense" activities and checklist. The good thing is the combat is still the most fun compared to any similar game released in the last couple of years that there is plenty of reason to play. And then with all the specialisations coming (and revenant), there should be a much needed shake up of the combat state of the game.
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