Guild Wars 2

Damn it!! I made a big mistake :( Wasn't able to do anything yesterday so I downloaded the update client for elder scrolls online. I purchased it last year but cancelled my subscription. Then today I logged in, just to play for an hour to see what the changes were like and 5 hours later I was still playing.

Not sure why ESO is able to hook me like that but GW2 doesn't. Going to give a few days to ESO and see how it goes. And if it goes well I might not be back playing GW2 until the HOT update.

Can I still be a member of the guild? Or do I have to login every so often?
Just p4 left on Arah, cleared p1 last night p1 is simple beyond the first boss dodge run.

Apparently p4 can take 4 hours so not hugely keen on clearing that :p

People must do yhe dungeon once then never again, nightmare getting an experienced run going. No bother helping someone new, I had to learn too, but more than 1 a path becomes difficult as the place is completely unforgiving. Helped a Mesmer through his first ever p2 clear last night (good deed for the week :p)
Arah P4 is much much easier now since they nerfed Simin. Still one of the harder paths, but Simin used to be probably the hardest boss in the game. She still takes some skill to kill now, but before she was like hitting a brick wall. The first time we did it we were stuck on her for over 2hrs.

I'm wondering if it's worth buying the living stories - 200 gems each. Do they provide anything decent though

Well worth it if you want the full lead up to HoT. You might want to watch the whole Season 1 Scarlet storyline before you start on the Season 2 living story eps though if you didn't play it.

Got to level 80, bought my exotic armor set/weapon and finished the personal story.

Not really sure what to do next tbh, this game feels boring at 80

Loads to do. Have you been to Dry Top yet? How about Silverwastes? You've got all the Dungeons and paths to do. Fractals to level. Ascended gear to build. Map completion. Jumping puzzles to find and complete. Plenty of achievements to go for. World bosses to fight. Collections to work on. Mawdry to build. etc etc.
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Damn it!! I made a big mistake :( Wasn't able to do anything yesterday so I downloaded the update client for elder scrolls online. I purchased it last year but cancelled my subscription. Then today I logged in, just to play for an hour to see what the changes were like and 5 hours later I was still playing.

Not sure why ESO is able to hook me like that but GW2 doesn't. Going to give a few days to ESO and see how it goes. And if it goes well I might not be back playing GW2 until the HOT update.

Can I still be a member of the guild? Or do I have to login every so often?

nah you can stay a member. :)
I need 5 more runs of Arah (270 marks) to finish my Necro kit I'm building then I'll be done with her and off to level ar thief.

Got Arah p1&2 nailed down, p3 is easy but seems a PITA to find a group and not touching 4 :p was a nightmare getting a group at first but such a regular runner have no hassle getting a group even as a Necro :)

Long term I'll switch thief/guard/warr or something as they have much more utility in high end dungeons. Arah is a complete ***** without a thief and most other runs are simplified with them too.
I need 5 more runs of Arah (270 marks) to finish my Necro kit I'm building then I'll be done with her and off to level ar thief.

Got Arah p1&2 nailed down, p3 is easy but seems a PITA to find a group and not touching 4 :p was a nightmare getting a group at first but such a regular runner have no hassle getting a group even as a Necro :)

Long term I'll switch thief/guard/warr or something as they have much more utility in high end dungeons. Arah is a complete ***** without a thief and most other runs are simplified with them too.

up for some this weekend with me? feel up to my first fractal
Yeah I'm trying a few other games at the moment so just been doing dailies and log.

Fractal isn't hard but it's just gimmicky (to me) and irritating, the fights are just stupid difficult and I say stupid as in a lot of dumb luck as opposed to hard tactics/fights.
Fractal isn't hard but it's just gimmicky (to me) and irritating, the fights are just stupid difficult and I say stupid as in a lot of dumb luck as opposed to hard tactics/fights.

Fractal fights aren't based on luck at all, pretty much every fight is down to reading tells and using specific mechanics and tactics :|
For clarity I meant the in between guff.

The swamp, the wind and traps on the giant, the ramp and jumps in rata, the gun maze in the reactor and other guff. Just pointless stuff that doesn't add and is gimmicky garbage.
I never had much gold levelling, its 80 when you really start making it. In the interim just sell any yellows on the market (and any spare mats you don't bank) to keep you ticking over and complete any events you see but it's 80 when the gold starts flowing.
Not played much lately besides the dailies, on holiday today and blitzed some maps and went from 65% to 84% map completion in one day...tomorrow I'm hoping to finally have it all done :p

EDIT: 91% now, shiverpeaks, orr, kryta and maguuma done, just ascalon to go
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Woooooo 98% and even better...just found an item called "Sam" which is worth 350-600 gold! :D (350 on instant sell, 600 value as available in market)
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