Guild Wars 2

So... I have gw2 CE, whats my option for upgrading?

Looking at the site it seems every expansion pack has the base game included.
I haven't been in game and looked at black lion, i presume theres an upgrade option for gems?

(What if i want the super edition from the website with all the glory bits?)
Several new zones, each with a lot more verticallity. Zones now have 3 different biome layers. They'll also be new instances raids. Adventure missions. The new masteries and elite specs. And a ton of changes to fractals.
Really love GW2 and just thought I'd add my in-game contact for anybody here.

ANet raid panel really went into some good details about the raids last night. They're looking quite promising content wise!

Perfect timing the expansion for me, my guild on WoW finally downed Archimonde on heroic and we aren't doing Mythic so I'll have plenty of time to play this until Legion comes out :)
So, stopped playing GW2 when Elite came out... (Silverwastes had JUST been released)

So back in now :) Making plenty pennies in Silverwastes!

Also went for Ultimate - Means no more spending this expansion ;)
Looking at getting back into GW2 for Heart of Thorns - are there any friendly (active!) guilds around?

I have a few level 80 toons but may reroll to refresh myself!
Beta weekend starting tomorrow evening I believe.

Good opportunity to play test the new specialisations, and so on.

I love the look of the Revenant. I will definitely be rolling a Charr after Rytlock.

For anybody else out there this game has the base game free-to-play with some minor restrictions to the account.

I suggest trying it out before the expansion as you might find you like it! No harm in downloading to give it a test.
Can we play the beta if we haven't bought the expansion?

No it was similar to the release of the game, if you pre-ordered you got access to Beta Weekend Events.

What was very clever though is that the characters created on the beta were able to play with the regular players as well. The main difference being you were the only ones able to test out the newer zones.

We have all of the specializations and the revenant running around in WvW and doing dungeons with regular players which was a very good concept by ArenaNet.
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