***Gym Exercise Guide, and Form Discussion/Feedback***

True, but is there any point in continuing with single reps or should I try and do 100 3x3?

That feels like it would be more of a challenge than a single 110 rep.
Well it took a 2nd attempt to lift the 100 but I'm not sure how much of that was psychological. I think 110 would be interesting.

The difference between 90 and 100 felt huge. I think I'd maybe go up in 5s.
maybe try triple on 90kg then for now, then see how it feels. Saying that, just listen to your body. Although be happy now in the 20kg jump :D
The speed that 100 came off the floor I would be suprised if you couldn't easily pull 110. Form looked good you just need to be less caring of the floor on your neg, and work on sticking that ass out like me and deception :)
Sig - you still aren't lifting heavy enough. I bet you'd do 100x3 without issue looking at that :)

Well done fella, you have more in you than you realise :)
I think I'll wait until Sat where someone can watch me lift rather than see it on video before adding more weight. Thanks for the encouragement though :)
Oh and Syla, the gym people have put up signs saying that anyone slamming weights, even from deadlifts, will get a warning (3 strike system).
Congrats on the PB then!

There is definitely a lot more there, so we'll have a play on Saturday if you want. In terms of weekly workout stuff though, go back to 85kg for a few triples (until they start to feel poo) and add 5kg per week. This should see you straight through to 120kg for triples without much bother, provided that you remember all the coaching points!
I've now started taking a book with me so I will jot down reminders!

You make me happy <3

The difference between 90 and 100 felt huge. I think I'd maybe go up in 5s.

I'd do 1.25kg each side personally, so 2.5kg, especially once you start hitting the higher end of your limits.

Oh and Syla, the gym people have put up signs saying that anyone slamming weights, even from deadlifts, will get a warning (3 strike system).

Haha, what a load of tosh.

Are there any spare matts around? like single squares or anything? I've started putting them under the BB so it doesn't make as much noise...The matts in our places are thing as anything

EDIT: Got some vids I need to upload, one for goblet squat atleast, and i did some Squats last night with the bar, just wanted to check bum tuck out. Doubt I'll be touching them for a LONG time though
In terms of weekly workout stuff though, go back to 85kg for a few triples (until they start to feel poo) and add 5kg per week.

Will do that on Thurs then :cool:

Delvis, the wording they use is: "If you're strong enough to lift it up then you're strong enough to put it down".
I guess they're sick of people chucking weights around. They're pretty quick to notice it and let you know as well from what I'm told.
Can someone check my bum tuck:

Yes it's just the bar.

I did feel a little twang afterwards. Not intending on doing them for a long while yet, if ever
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I can't really tell because of your t-shirt, but it looks like there is some overextension going on with your lumbar.
I can't really tell because of your t-shirt, but it looks like there is some overextension going on with your lumbar.

In English? :p

I presume this is hips rotating or something?

EDIT: I stick my butt out if that's what you mean?
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