***Gym Exercise Guide, and Form Discussion/Feedback***

I would watch all the Rippetoe videos posted as they're often where I go when I feel form has gotten sloppy.

I'd use the videos in the form thread :)

OP - once you've watched the videos in the form thread and understood them, ask any questions there. Spend each week working on things and keep posting videos.
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Thansk for the input.

First obvious things.
1. Each rep needs to be reset for a deadlift.
I understand that, but thats OK.
2. Looks like you're doing rack pulls?
well...kinda..but plate only a couple of inches from ground. Last 5 weeks ive been doing from deck in commercial gym...so no biggee. I need to get a couple of rubber plates for home to save the floor, or a thicker matting section area :) Have actually found it easier lately from the ground for some reason.
3. Ditching the trainers was a good move, you don't need an unstable base. agree..felt that one myself
4. Your first pull, (actual rep) you're lower back isn't flat.
Good point, i seee that now. Just got to try and fix it now.
5. Looks like your stance may be too wide.
another god point, was struggling a bit with a narrower stance for weeks, so have deliberatly widened a little which feels like I have more room to move without knees getting in the way. What is best position for this..shoulders wide? I see yours above...quite narrow stance
1. There are many good reasons to reset each rep, and lift the weight dead. Firstly, it allows you to get proper tightness, to prevent form break and injury. Secondly, lifting from the floor recruits the posterior chain from an ideal position, and develops your movement pattern.

2. Yea definitely invest in some plates. Pulling from a rack is actually making the lift easier for you, but also changing the nature of the lift as well.

5. The ideal position is one which you'd use for vertical jumping i.e one that would generate the most explosive power.

Form check guys?

I don't reckon depth is quite there yet, no reason why not these felt pretty easy.

Also ignore the gay wee dance and the odd socks :p
1. There are many good reasons to reset each rep, and lift the weight dead. Firstly, it allows you to get proper tightness, to prevent form break and injury. Secondly, lifting from the floor recruits the posterior chain from an ideal position, and develops your movement pattern.

2. Yea definitely invest in some plates. Pulling from a rack is actually making the lift easier for you, but also changing the nature of the lift as well.

5. The ideal position is one which you'd use for vertical jumping i.e one that would generate the most explosive power.

points taken :) cheers
Looks good. You can probably sit back a little more to get a little deeper, which will mean your back angle will decrease a bit which is fine.

Always good to hear from yourself!

Will try that next time, week off this week :/ may need to sort a gym out at home soon!
I'll try and comment on your individual vids shortly chaps, but for now the bros have covered most bits well <3

Search on youtube for "Dave Tate's Six-Week Bench Press Cure" and so you think you can bench.

Also watch these.

Also eat moar
Rippetoe is incredibly hit and miss, to the point that I really can't recommend any of his videos. For every good thing there are bad things, and there are just MUCH more reliable resources available.

This may surprise people as he's seen as such a guru, but nobody at higher levels of lifting/coaching hold him in such esteem.

Form check guys?

I don't reckon depth is quite there yet, no reason why not these felt pretty easy.

Also ignore the gay wee dance and the odd socks :p
Really pretty good.

I don't like your core control at all though. Big lumbar extension on set up, which suggests that you won't be bracing effectively during the set. Unsurprisingly, because your squat style is quite folded over (which I'd look to correct tbh, more knees forward and more uprightness without over extending your lumbar), when you approach depth your posterior chain tugs on your slack core.

Learn to hip hinge and brace properly (vids under deadlifting in OP), and try to stay more upright in your torso.
Deep breath......

Hey guys. Going to the gym should be fun, but at the moment it's just really depressing because I feel like I'm doing it wrong and my lifts have plateaued at less than half my bodyweight :( No gainz :(

Here's my bench press:

  • You absolutely must develop some tension in your upper back. Your scaps shoulder be pinched throughout and your lats engaged
  • Reps need to be completed properly. None of this soft lock out business, lock out firmly with your elbows while making sure you don't lose back tension. There should be a slight pause between reps, and before you rack the back.
  • More intensity. You should look slightly more aggressive than when you're taking your rabbit for a walk
  • Watch the videos in the OP

Overhead Press:

  • Elbows under the bar
  • Slight scapula pinch needed
  • Active glutes and abs


  • Each rep needs a definite set up, which will result in you having a nice flat back, straight arms (!!!!!!!), and a fully braced core (lats, abs, glutes)

And finally my squat. As some of you may know, I destroyed my left hip flexor squatting 20kg, so something must be wrong. I noticed today that when I try to squat, my left foot seems to lift up off the ground and wants to rotate further outward. The only way to stop this from happening is to adopt a really wide stance and point my left foot towards 10 o'clock. Does this indicate poor hip mobility? Also looking at my squat video, it looks like I have some anterior pelvic tilt?

So, can anyone help if they see I'm doing something wrong?

Thanks very much gents :)

  • Your stance seems to be narrow, possible too narrow
  • Your ankle flexibility is very poor, you should be getting your knees further forward without collapsing your ankles
  • Nothing going on in your core
  • Can't tell you much else because of the angle and the fact that it's unloaded
  • Watch/read the relevant OP stuff

Honestly, I'm not convinced you've watched any of the videos in the OP. I told you to do this bloody ages ago! You have to actually want to learn enough to put the effort in bud, otherwise you're wasting your time.
posting the 160 set of deadlifts if anyone looking wants to comment on form etc. This actually felt bad, but doesnt look to bad to my eyes. The next set felt a lot more stable after taking trainers off, didnt vid that though.

You have strong "I don't know what my lower back is doing, so I'll just use my quads" syndrome. I may need to think of a better name.

Notice how your lumbar isn't nice and flat, and how you kind of do a double knee bend/shift your weight shifts forwards slightly. Learn how to hip hinge and brace properly (videos in OP), and keep the weight on your heels. You could try some light sets (barefoot! Trainers are making this a lot worse) with your toes lifted.

Also do glute and hamstring activation work.
You have strong "I don't know what my lower back is doing, so I'll just use my quads" syndrome. I may need to think of a better name.


I ****** my back a couple of years ago (not deadlifting lol) and it still bothers me a bit. Since starting doing this exercise a few months back, I have always tried to put more load into my legs to take the strain off my lower back. Its like a subconciuous thing now, but have probably gone a bit much then!
I have real trouble getting a good start point with a flat back...im not sure why, im pretty flexable. When taking the bar position, I cant get my hips down which results in a more SLDL type of lift...or probably like I am doing now. I always had this problem with dl's, hence kinda stayed away from it. But I like trying. Ill revisit setups this week, see if I cant get that start position beter, which will probably help.
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I'll try and comment on your individual vids shortly chaps, but for now the bros have covered most bits well <3


Rippetoe is incredibly hit and miss, to the point that I really can't recommend any of his videos. For every good thing there are bad things, and there are just MUCH more reliable resources available.

This may surprise people as he's seen as such a guru, but nobody at higher levels of lifting/coaching hold him in such esteem.

What exactly is he wrong on? I've never seen anything bad about his from videos.
Tox, fully star out your naughties, some mods will suspend you for that, I learnt the hard way :(

Also, Ice might want to quash this or not, but seeing as you have previously had a back injury and want to avoid it, might sumo deadlifts be a better option for you, as they are less lower back dominant then regular deads, rather then compromising form on regular deads?
What exactly is he wrong on? I've never seen anything bad about his from videos.
That's because most people on the internet are idiots.

It isn't worth my time to break it down (I think I've posted about it before), but he is hilariously wrong on many things.

He does coach some things well, but people shouldn't have to filter out the **** to get to the good stuff.
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