***Gym Exercise Guide, and Form Discussion/Feedback***

Agreed. Essentially I'm much tighter before I initiate the lift. It just feels harder because I'm not trying to generate some movement at the bottom like I normally do. Perhaps training for a few months like this will reap all kinds of gains.
It's early days, but I like it too.

You had me worried a bit with the 170, I actually thought it was quite bad! The rest was nice though, definitely worth a working on it for a month or so to see where it gets you.
Yea the bar moved on the 170. Had problems with the bar going for a walk on most sets. Will be good to see how it looks when I'm not so tired.
Having just sat on all fours and sat back I have some quite minor tuck towards the end of the ROM. I can hit parallel without any movement but more than an inch further and I start to tuck.

Would this be anterior core? If so are Pallof Press and planking (properly) the best course of action?

My adductors felt particularly tight (to stretch) so have begun stretching those along with the hip/hamstring squat & reach stretch I found on stronglifts.
Did you try to brace your core as you went back? Trying to reclaim position once it's broken isn't the same thing.

It's likely that there is something tight in your hips.
Did you try to brace your core as you went back? Trying to reclaim position once it's broken isn't the same thing.

It's likely that there is something tight in your hips.

Nope, should have listened to the video properly!

Will give this another go tonight and perhaps even film it /nohomo.
Here we go.

Bracing my core makes a difference, unsurprisingly, I let it go for a few reps in the middle (20s -40s) then tighten in back up again.

Since visiting the chiropractor and having had my pelvis adjusted my spinal errectors seem to be pumping just doing day to day tasks where I'm bent over (without load through my glutes/hamstrings) they're obviously not used to their new positions/tensions after 1-2 years of being slightly skewed

We have a back extension bench which could be useful. Not sure if these muscles having effectively no endurance will be affecting my tuck.

Having just tried with my feet a little wider as they're perhaps a bit closer together I can't seem to sit any further back, does that point to hips?

Edit: Some lying hyperextensions just now seem to have reduced the tuck during a standing squat with arms outstretched. (3 x 10second holds)
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Dat short femurs

Bro, get on some high bar squats and ensure you have proper ankle range for joocy Chinese weightlifter quads.

Looks okay for the most part then?

I've short legs & arms and a long body!

Some errector strengthening/endurance work along with some general hip, glute & hamstring mobility & stretching and some planks/pallof press is on the agenda.

I'll take a look in to high bar squats and my ankle mobility.

Looks okay for the most part then?

I've short legs & arms and a long body!

Some errector strengthening/endurance work along with some general hip, glute & hamstring mobility & stretching and some planks/pallof press is on the agenda.

I'll take a look in to high bar squats and my ankle mobility.

Tbh I'd be able to judge better with a squat.

You'd benifit from the core work I posted in nightmare's log though.
Just thought I'd fix that for you. ;)
Also this!
I can front squat with the clean grip now, I pulled the bar in closer to my throat which was much more comfortable however it did bruise the ends of my clavicle, where the small bump is, which is a bit of a nuisance.

MTFU? or is there a position fix?
A 'good' front squat is a funny one as it should feel completely different to any back squat as there shouldn't be any load taken by your back (i.e. your thorax/torso should be vertical or near vertical).

For me, this clicked around a month ago (the whole "roll the bar a couple of cm down your delts and crank your shoulders back) and it was very odd how there was almost no weight being taken by my spinal erectors. It then meant my hips and quads lit up like a volcano to control the bar, but that's the idea, right? :D

Clavicles? I have a unique perspective as I beat the calcium phosphate out of them on roughly a bi-weekly basis, so I think you should MTFU. ;)
Any reason a split squat would aggravate the muscles around my lower back? Pelvic tilt in some fashion?
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