***Gym Exercise Guide, and Form Discussion/Feedback***

Form check please! I can't seem to keep my shoulders back like I've been seeing on form videos

What Syla5 said, and get your feet more organised. It shouldn't just be arbitrary where your feet end up. Hip width and almost parallel.
Afaik, you should alternate, on the rare occasion I used mixed (always DOH) I made sure I alternated mixed each set.

You may have a preference or a stronger position which can be used for the heavier/heaviest lifts/PB's.
I actually don't know what to think about this. I can definitely see the thinking behind switching, and it makes a lot of sense.

When I started powerlifting I was told not to switch because I need to train one strong position, but I kind of think that's a bit BS-ey.

So yeah, I don't know Delvis! I don't think it would have been causing you problems, but then there is always a chance that a jacked up shoulder could find a way to get more jacked up by something stupid like this.
Perhaps frustratingly, there isn't much new to add because there isn't much new going on. Every video is showing improvements, which in itself is a good reason to keep posting them (to make sure this continues).

That box is an inch too high though.

Your friend has a lot of work to do as well. You right to mention his feet, everything possible is wrong - pointed too far out, collapsing, and not symmetrical. His right knee is having to go much farther out than his left! I really hope he wasn't doing a 160kg squat to depth like that, he will snap.
Although that level of rounding in the upper back isn't likely to cause injury, I'd definitely say it was a concern in general. You should be able to control it.
TC, you've almost leant to squat! :)

Have a quick look at your pec tightness and shoulder internal and external rotation (OP of mobility thread).


The deadlift... not so much! :D

Keep plugging away bud :thumbsup:
It's an unfortunate product of modern living that does not demand efficient movement, so many peoples bodies don't know wtf that even means.

Have you posted a video?
Squats: still improving. Your back is better, but still moving too much. Abs on knees out more.

OHP: Don't nod your head under the bar, move your shoulders through slightly. Also, keep your abs on and ribcage down.

Your next piece of the puzzle to work on: thoracic extension. Get some.
More ankle range
More knees out
More upright torso

Break more deliberately at the knee and stay as upright as possible. For these light sets, sit at the bottom and accentuate a good position.
Cheers. After watching a few videos I can see I'm a little way off the proper high bar bottom position. I'll smash them ankles up over the next few weeks and report back.

I think if my knees can go forward some more then I can stay more upright.
Exactly right.
IMO if you want to do something to help improve your mobility and can only make room for one then front squats > high bar. If your just looking for something a little different then high bar will get you moving through a greater rom then low bar, and will hit things differently. I have really started to enjoy fronties especially once getting the grip right.
I simultaneously disagree and don't understand :D

A complex movement actually helping someone's mobility is highly dependent on how they are set up and what their limitations are. Both high bar and front squats can be paused at the bottom to help mobilise into a good position, along with the benefits of greater knee and hip flexion. Typically, front squats require more ankle ROM than high bar squats.

We have to be careful not to decide something is the be all and end all just because we've tried it and like it ;)
From my workout this morning

Bit of review

The 40's felt great, the 60's felt mediocore at best and by half way through the 2nd set and the whole of the 3rd i couldnt feel anything in my back as my hamstrings were on fire!
This might be a case of lighter is better while i bring my hammies up to speed so that they can cope and i can feel whats going on with my back.

Feed back please, I have a feeling my odd proportions don't help :(
I thought I'd already replied to this.

Aside from your head position (checking the mirror?), there really isn't much to fix. It might be worth playing with pulling to lower down your torso, but I like to mix up the angle on different rowing variations anyway.

You say that your hammies were burning, but how active were your glutes?
Can anyone offer any advice/improvements to my squats and deadlifts? There's nothing I'm particularly worried about, but it's been a while since I had any critique. I realise it's not the greatest view for the squats: I'll try to get a side view next time...

Squats, 5 x 150kg:

Deadlifts, 5 x 140kg:
Think I can see some lower back rounding here, but not so sure...

Good. There are are couple of small issues though. I reckon they can be fixed by making your feet a bit more parallel, keeping the weight on your heels and pushing your knees out further.


Even better. More tension in your lats and core.

Just a quick question for all you.

I've always been quite skinny so I've recently joined a gym with the hope of gaining a few lb of muscle.

It's been about two months and I've gained about 10 lb, which I'm quite happy with.

However, I had my routine programme update at the gym and according to my BMI I am bordering on overweight! I'm about 5 11" and weight 12st 6 at most.

I barely have an ounce of fat on me! Is the BMI a load of tosh which I can ignore?

Cheers :)

BMI = lol

Hope this helps.

I think I'm obese.
That holds true for "when exercising", when blood is diverted from certain organs. The conditions are different in the middle of a very heavy rep

Overall, nice squatting.

You definitely need to be developing more torque through your hips and knees. Tear the floor apart with your feet and push your knees out hard throughout the rep.
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