H1Z1 - Zombie apocalypse sandbox from SOE

im on birmingham :D with our lot

games not bad a lot better than rust. not enough loot though. inventory and crafting and gui is quick and fluid . could be a great game with the right additions.

patch notes just posted

The servers will be coming down at 3:45 PST for approximately 2 hours.

Revised loot spawn rules

Your nameplate will not display while prone.

Fixed Metal Doors to open/close/lock/unlock properly.

Punji stick traps, dew collectors, and rabbit traps will now slowly decay over time. They can be repaired with a hammer.

Punji sticks have lower health and should be a little easier to remove.

Spool of twine now has a unique icon.

The arrow recipe now produces one arrow instead of two.

Increased placed barricade resistance to damage.

Slightly raised the chance to harvest usable cloth from dead zombies.

Metal pipes, metal sheets, and hunting rifles can be melted down in furnaces for metal bars.

There were two Calamity (EU) servers. One has been renamed to Collapse (EU). Please check the green character indicator on the far left of server select to see if which server your character is on.

The ground tamper item has been disabled and the recipe to make it is no longer discoverable

Improved Vehicle Survivability

Rotten food has been removed from the fridge spawners

Jumped on thread, see what people think of H1z1. See DG, the biggest fan boy of all time saying "it could be alright"... Means its utter garabage. This is the guy who thought standalone was AMAZING.

Thanks, one post and i'm out !!! ~MONEYSAVED
Hardcore Planetside2 players are very happy with how SoE deals with hackers. They have a pretty good track record and actively look for and ban hackers regularly. Of course there are going to be some, there are in every game.
[TFU] Thegoon84;27524926 said:
Neil is about as committed to game as a prostitute is to one knob.

Unless it's an RPG then I'm as committed as a hooker to a rich man :p

Right back to my Skyrim modding and Dragon Age :D
[TFU] Thegoon84;27524919 said:
Jumped on thread, see what people think of H1z1. See DG, the biggest fan boy of all time saying "it could be alright"... Means its utter garabage. This is the guy who thought standalone was AMAZING.

Thanks, one post and i'm out !!! ~MONEYSAVED

i'll give you a genuine opinion....it ain't bad but unless you're happy with pre alpha then hold fire till it's f2p
Loving this game so much man..

Got pulled up by the police today for speeding. :(


I was tracking coordinates in order to meet up with some friends last night, when I crossed paths with a guy wielding an axe. I told him that I had not long since spawned, but he insisted on trying to kill me anyway, telling me over voice chat that I'm going to die. I managed to score two hits on him with my bow, before he made a run for it. I called him out for picking fights and being a coward, and managed to score a third hit, killing him. He called me every name under the sun as I rummaged through his belongings. Karma is a bitch.
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Lmfao so whos base did I come across on Birmingham then??

There is a base north of Pleasant, I guess they are hording everything from there and taking it back to their little shack in the woods.

I come across four vehicles in the woods, another guy appears. We loot from the trunks and then proceed to destroy them with arrows until the gang of merry men arrive with their rifles. Funny thing is, I kill one with two arrows when hes standing there trying to shoot me with his pistol haha.

Then upon respawn I come across another group in Ranchito, two follow me so I dodge them through buildings, closing doors, etc. End up loosing them

Go to the supermarket and then head out back and see some guy running around, stand there ready to hit him with an arrow when I guess his buddy arrives from behind. Turn around, both bows drawn and I kill him. He had some quality stuff, ammo, medic kits, etc.

Grabbed it and ran off.

Nice little morning disrupting the 'gangs' haha
goon its pretty smooth playing animations arnt clunky like dayz apart from using bow is a bit meh at moment.

for how early it is ingame its better than rust and with bit more content better than dayz.

dayz mod was great SA a joke. i was never a fanboy of SA i just wanted it to work. if you must know i was even banned from Dayz forums for talking about the progress of SA and how it wasn't working.

if they keep updating it as hey are which is pretty often then this will probably be the best of the zombie survival games.
Zombies are harder, still no where near enough in built up areas, need to be hoards, and still not hard enough. One bite and you should be dead.

Absolute ton of equipment all over the place, don't like it as it's no thought about where items are. Why are their three crowbars in a diner. Why are their more weapons in a shop and zero in the weapon lockers at the police station. Etc.

Oh and I can't find a rucksack which sucks.

But as said, it's great they're updating it so regularly.
Thought I'd put my input on what I think about this game...

Before I do though - I'll note I have hundreds of hours logged on the DayZ mod, but only around 80 on SA. I think the mod is one of the best things I have ever played. Despite the awkwardness and buggyness of the engine (and even putting up with the hacks), I have had some of my best gaming experiences on it. SA came along, and I was hyped to say the least. But even now it is still seriously lackluster. I end up getting bored, the mod is still in better shape despite lacking some great things SA has introduced.

I also enjoyed RUST for a week until I realised to keep a base, you have to have no life and game constantly. And the less said about WarZ the better.

Anyway, didn't think H1Z1 looked particularly great, but I bought it anyway and wow... all I keep thinking is how much smoother and fun the experience is compared to SA. The game feels more complete, the way the mechanics work make a lot of sense, the crafting is very well implemented, the game runs smooth in any environment, there are weapons/vehicles/gestures/hunting/base building already fully integrated.... for an Alpha that in videos looks pretty dull, this game has huge potential. There are gamebreaking bugs in the game currently, but we're only a week into Alpha and they have already thrown out 3 (4?) patches - the communication is brill.

This is potentially the survival game I've been wanting to play. There is no Pay 2 Win aspect as some made out before - I jumped on the hate wagon at first until I saw the updated airdrops, and likelihood of losing them. And now playing on the EU servers, there is very little lag.

Hate to say it, but I can't see me playing DayZ for much longer unless this game gets boring fast. And it's obviously too early to comment on that - maybe it will? It's off to a great start though.
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I just dropped dead due to starvation because I couldn't be bothered to go into my inventory and eat a handful of blackberries again.

The guy I saw 5 seconds beforehand now has my rucksack, filled with tonnes of stuff including my pistol with ammo and everything I needed to get a car working.

I was just on way into the forest to build a shack to stash it all too :(

On the brightside at least I'm no longer scared to log on through fear of everyone I came across trying to put an arrow in my back.
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