H1Z1 - Zombie apocalypse sandbox from SOE

Yep Glaucus I didn't see anything that stood out. I really am finding it a struggle to see how this will be a home for SWG players unless they are showing something else soon. What I saw there was effectively DayZ but without the nice components that come from being attached to Arma. From what I saw I have still no reason to think this will be anything other than a gankfest and not a survival game.

If any devs of survival games read this post then please stop this rubbish you keep turning out at the moment go and buy the old pen and paper RPG Twilight 2000 and just copy it - it really is that simple ...
Or just watch walking dead and some other zombie films and turn that into a game.

First zombies need to be mire than a health bar, shots to the head kill, shots to limbs dismember but even a head can bite your ankle.

Great a shed. Can I build a fail link fence, with wooden spikes outside that. A windturnine for limited power etc and make a compound for the survival gang. Can I set up waterbutts to collect rain water from the roofs, can I plant crops, etc.
Will leaving said compound to gather supplies be a massive part of the game.
Also if your compound gets found will there be a chance of so many zombies that your chain link fence simply collapses due to the weight.

They have talked about the game having wildlife. Wolfs will hunt deer, zombies will hunt both and humans will hunt all three, so there's at least something that should have been in the stream, I'm still hoping that they just went public to early and these things are all coming.

Can I clear a house out, lock the doors, then take apart a book shelf and if I have a hammer and nails. Secure the doors/windows even more. And then slowly die from lack of food/water.

Can we also have a realistic carrying load, I shouldn't be able to pull a shed out my pocket. Should have to drag the panels to the site, before erecting it.

With modern computing I don't see why mist of that wouldn't be possible.

These are the sort of things I wanted to see.
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watch stream knew it would be exactly as it is

a quick cash in. same zombie model everywhere looks like nether that's not a good thing graphics looked bad. looks a very console game.

Dayz hasn't progressed great but that's light years ahead of this.

so no not really excited about it from that stream if anything let down on hoping id be proved wrong and it would be awesome.

back to breaking point :p

also early access to free to play game costs 20 dollars hahahahaha.
I agree Glaucus I don't want zombies to just run up and swing surely they should try and grapple with you a bit. Survival should mean survival it should be difficult to do irrespective of any NPC zombie or otherwise. People should have a reason to band together which is why I mentioned Twilight 2000 as that game had it all sorted.

All these problems have been solved already as you correctly state it's just disappointed we have all these games and no one seems to be able to implement them.

And lol Dg you do post a lot when you professed to not be the slightest bit interested.
i am interested in the zombie survival genre so i hoped i was wrong on this game

i am not. remember each person has own opinion. they may just differ ;).

if you like the looks of it ace, i don't. it looks like nether , poor models,bad graphics, poor zombie animations,same zombie models,bland layout.

you can tell its been knocked together quickly.

also they said ftp that was a big selling point to this game then they say 20 dollars for early access :D so not ftp.
why charge for access to ftp title ?

yet again why use derogatory remarks ? can you not refrain and just put your opinion politely ?
Why not charge for something that isn't ready. It brings in money and keeps the population at a controllable size. You don't want 10s of thousands joining in a development, especially when it's server based.

Not when you make stupid statements. Paying for early access is in no way removing FTP. And you now full well.

Hence the comment, you now it was a stupid thing to say, yet you still said it.
He has a point though, forget this whole "early access" BS it's just a marketing tool these days. We've seen it countless times over the last few years in this genre in particular - build up hype, promise loads of features, cash in on it then release buggy unfinished mess. It's not the fact it replaces the FTP, it's a super easy money maker before you've even created the product! It's excellent for profit but the standard of games are nose diving and people seem happy to pay for the privilege.

Aren't these guys part of that multibillion dollar empire that is Sony? You're saying they are relying on this "early access" money for development?
You're saying they are relying on this "early access" money for development?

Yes, why not it's free from risk. It's like Kickstarter you get all the benefits with none of the risk like OR did. I agree it sucks and I don't like it but it's the way games are made now and the market they are made for.

and Dg I was joking I never said you couldn't have an opinion I observed you made your opinion known frequently for someone who isn't interested. ;)
He has a point though, forget this whole "early access" BS it's just a marketing tool these days. We've seen it countless times over the last few years in this genre in particular - build up hype, promise loads of features, cash in on it then release buggy unfinished mess. It's not the fact it replaces the FTP, it's a super easy money maker before you've even created the product! It's excellent for profit but the standard of games are nose diving and people seem happy to pay for the privilege.

Aren't these guys part of that multibillion dollar empire that is Sony? You're saying they are relying on this "early access" money for development?

There is a product, early access you can play, rely on the money? Obviously not as most of it has already been built. Its an easy way to recoup some cost while providing a service some want. It's a triple bonus, money, testers and limited number of testers.
Don't see the issue. they aren't going back on their FTP, although I wish they would. fTP usually end up pay to win, which isn't good.
Only watched a few minutes but looks identical to DayZ which I don't like personally, just gonna wait to see what Undead labs do now that the head guy is backed by MS.

State of Decay was the only zombie game I found enjoyable since the sudden boom and hype of such games, almost every other single one seems rushed just for the simple act of cashing in on the popularity with zombies

Apart from The last of us (and above mentioned), which I've only seen not played so can't really comment on that although it does seem to be good.
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Well it can't be any worse than Nether and WarZ and come to think of it DayZ and DayZ SA.

I've played all the original mods on Arma2 to Breaking Point on Arma 3 and although i put quite a few hours into all of them. It's still a flaming pile of **** compared to what it could have been and now with Dean going it's laughable.

So in my eyes, it hasn't got much to prove. I watched the stream and thought it had a fair amount of potential and will be getting it to begin with. Who know's again it could say what it wants and not deliver like everything else but then again it could come up trumps. I'll be giving it a good chance and time to show that it'll get made into what it's being trumped as.
DG has already beaten you to it m8.

DG emailed them and told them to make a press build, weeks ago. Before the world even knew of H1Z1 and SOE even knew what or how a press build worked.
Anyway why is anyone even bothering with this game DG as already said 6 times it will suck. We all know how right he is on anything game related. :p

Serious note I wouldn't worry to much about FTP, SOE have it done pretty well in PS2 I have never spent a penny on the game. Do pretty well, never feel at a disadvantage not paying. Everything can be earnt over time. Or you can be a spoilt kid and just buy everything off the bat. Or buy packs of gear as and when.

Or just play for free and gradually unlock everything you want. The system suits everyone.
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