Does the halal method really matter? I'd argue yes, because we are seeing the influence of a religion not known for being benign, upon the mass populace.
A load of ******** have you read what Quran says? Give me some examples then please.
Does the halal method really matter? I'd argue yes, because we are seeing the influence of a religion not known for being benign, upon the mass populace.
I'm afraid to say, halal cannot be stunned. That's why the lamb from NZ isnt sold as being halal, although it was killed in some ways associated to halal they cannot label it as such.
But by even talking about the religious element of this and when considering the halal requirement is one of pure pandering to a religious entity, what about everyone who isn't a muslim? You are effectively dismissing their religious credence, if you're not a muslim then by defacto you don't think halal is right and why should your food have been blessed to another god. this might deeply anger your own god, in whatever religious you happen to believe in. if you are so keen to allow halal to be sold un marked or by defacto in schools, then the religious sensitive's of every other non muslim group is being completely ignored and walked all over.
A halal food certifier has decided to remove certification from stunned poultry if new EU regulations on stunning voltages are imposed
Having attended and witnessed the results of the recovery trials carried out in association with the University of Bristol at a poultry slaughterhouse in Spain on 8th January 2014, HFA permits water bath stunning parameters set out in the Annex I of the EU Regulation EC1099/2009 for halal purposes, provided that the following conditions are fully met:
Water bath stunner shall operate at a minimum frequency of 1000Hz AC
Average current per bird shall not exceed 205mA
Stunning and halal slaughtering of poultry in the UK shall only be carried out in the presence and supervision of HFA representative(s), if the operation/production is to be certified by the HFA. HFA will now only be accepting and processing new accreditation requests from poultry slaughterhouse(s) that would fully comply with the above criteria. Furthermore, all poultry slaughterhouses that are currently approved by the HFA shall abide by the above rules from the date Food Standards Agency (FSA) shall implement and enforce the new EU Regulation EC1099/2009 in the UK.
I guess the EU had to act when halal abattoirs were setting their phasers to tickle instead of stun. But now they are being asked to properly stun they know they can't comply so they have rejected stunning.
The Halal Food Authority (HFA) are issuing this press release following the recent media coverage on whether meat should be clearly labelled or not. The government are supportive of the labelling of meat but the onus for this has been placed upon retailers; the HFA does not believe that this will be beneficial unless regulated by UK laws. Halal must be defined and protected by legislation in order to be regulated appropriately to protect consumers from potential mislabelling and / or misrepresentation. If the responsibility is directly with the retailer themselves to label products halal, an undeniable increase in the self-certification of halal products will be observed; the HFA firmly oppose halal self-certification as the entire production process is not vigorously regulated as it would be if slaughterhouses and product manufacturers are halal accredited by an independent, reputable certification body. Until appropriate governmental regulations are put into place to govern and regulate halal, the HFA believe that labelling meat ‘stunned’ or ‘non-stunned’ will be sufficient and we wholeheartedly support this concept as this will satisfy the animal welfare concerns of all and sundry as well as give UK consumers an increased amount of choice in the meat they are buying and the food that they are consuming.
Sort of like... Boom head shot?
All slaughter should be banned.
It needn't be any more difficult than that.
re·li·gion [ri-lij-uhn] Show IPA
a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
Why do Muslim need halal meat and what happens if they rat non halal.
Serious question.
Why do Muslim need halal meat and what happens if they rat non halal.
Serious question.
Why do Muslim need halal meat and what happens if they rat non halal.
Serious question.
Castiel, Are you saying we shouldn't slaughter any animals?
I'm saying that is as simple as banning ritual slaughter and as pointless. There is no need to ban slaughter, equally there is no need to ban ritual slaughter. Just label the damn food and then that really is as simple as that.