Halal, is it meat you're looking for?

How can they know this if they've never met her? Oh that's right make it up as they go along.

Regardless...they all believe that their God is the same so that is all that matters to them and any discussion relating to what they believe...what you believe is immaterial.
I don't see animal welfare and killing animals to be conflicted either


Some opinions transcend speculation into cold, hard, logical, scientific fact. That you choose to subside on 'opinions' and ignore the evidence degrades you to a denizen not worth mine, nor anybody else's time.

There are welfare reasons to kill, but it is a matter of empathy and perspective taking. Putting down a sick dog is not the same as slaughtering a healthy one to eat it. The perspective has shifted from the animals welfare (to live and prosper) to yours (to satisfy your hunger)
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Im not sure that is possible if you look at it from the perspective of someone within each of those faiths, otherwise Christians would have to follow islam (if they recognised the god allah as being their own) but they cannot because the god allah begot no son - a fundamental and 3ssentially a pillar of the Christian faith. Therefore to a Christian allah can not be their god. It is a fictitious creation creation or a false god to them. That is the strict modern interpretation of islam. It has to be.

Superficially they seem to be the same god but paradoxically cannot be the same according to the respective faiths and their beliefs.

They simply hold different interpretations of doctrine and scripture, they all recognise that the God they believe in is the same...they do not believe the message from that a God is the same. Your reasoning, for what is, is simply flawed and they follow their beliefs of what God wants, not that God is not the same one. Pretty much everyone (with the exception of the Catholics who phrase the same theological understanding slightly differently) Jew, Christian and Muslim recognise the terminology "People of The Book" which means they all believe in the same God...Catholics say "People of the Word" which is essentially the same thing. Each religion recognises that each other has its basis on the scriptures, like Jews do not recognise the validity of the New Testament, they still recognise that Christians worship the same God who gave Moses the Law, equally Christians do not recognise the validity of The Quran, but they still recognise that Muslims worship the same God who gave Moses the Law, and equally the Quran itself recognises that Allah is the same God as worshipped by Jews, Sabians and Christians. Catholics recognise that all three religions derive from the Word of God, but differ on their interpretation of doctrine.

So no, a Christian doesn't have to follow Islam and vice versa...it simply means that they see the same a God, but a different Message.

Well Catholics don't take that view(so my mate says)

As I said Catholics have a slightly different t perspective based on their doctrine/dogma system...but they still recognise that God is the same, The Word is different. They do not recognise the association as People of the Book, they are People of the 'living Word of God", but the God remains the same as the God who gave the Law to Moses...ergo The same God.

I'm afraid that doesn't support your argument, Mohler is mainly talking about the Trinitarian interpretation of scripture being the only valid kind and making the leap that means that Muslims do not worship the same God as Abraham, but by that same argument you could say that all non Trinitarian Christians also do not worship the God of Abraham...in fact as Abraham worships the God of the Israelites, Moher is effectively saying that his God isn't the God of Abraham...which just goes to illustrate you shouldn't rely on the interpretations of American Evangelists particularly Exclusive Calvinists like Mohler, when it comes to exegesis. For example Mohler also believes that everyone not a Conservative Evangelical Baptist Calvinist like himself is a product of Satan, including all other Christians, let alone Muslims and Jews.

In any case they are really just discussion the use of Allah as the name of God...not whether they all worship the God of Abraham, as all three mainstream religions accept that they all do worship The God of Abraham.
They simply hold different interpretations of doctrine and scripture, they all recognise that the God they believe in is the same...they do not believe the message from that a God is the same. Your reasoning, for what is, is simply flawed and they follow their beliefs of what God wants, not that God is not the same one. ...
So no, a Christian doesn't have to follow Islam and vice versa...it simply means that they see the same a God, but a different Message.

Are you sure that that is not your interpretation and not that of Christians?

You can refresh the differences here:


[God — The Koran asserts that the god of Islam is the God of Christians and Jews (Sura 29:46). Nothing could be farther from the truth.7

The god of Islam, Allah, is most definitely not the God of the Bible. Allah is presented in the Koran as an autocratic ruler who is aloof and arbitrary (Sura 5:40). Allah is unknowable whereas the God of the Bible is knowable (2 Timothy 1:12). Allah is impersonal, unlike the personal God the Scriptures reveal (1 Peter 5:6-7). Allah is unitarian (Sura 4:48) whereas the God of the Bible is trinitarian (2 Corinthians 13:14). Here is what the Koran says about the God of the Bible (Sura 4:171): “Believe in Allah and say not ‘Trinity.’ Cease! It is better for you! Allah is only One God. Far is it removed from his transcendent majesty that he should have a son.”
Are you sure that that is not your interpretation and not that of Christians?

I'm sure. All three religions worship the God of Abraham. This is indisputable, the Quran, The Torah and The Bible all specifically state this. No amount of posting from evangelical conservative opinion sources will alter that. I certainly do not need to refresh my knowledge from such sites either, I would suggest they actually do their own research more objectively and without the innate prejudices apparent in their reasoning. If you want to accept fundamentalist conservative evangelism as being indicative of the entire Christian Theology then go right ahead, you will be as wrong as they are however, because one simple point means that despite how each religion might interpret the message of God, the God of Abraham is the one they all have in common nonetheless.
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I find it kind of funny that such a big moral deal is made out of how the animal is killed. The fact of actually killing of the animal though, well, that's just fine and dandy!

So what you're saying is that it doesn't matter what you do to something/someone first if you kill them afterwards? Torture for example is fine if you're going to kill them anyway.
So what you're saying is that it doesn't matter what you do to something/someone first if you kill them afterwards? Torture for example is fine if you're going to kill them anyway.

No he isn't saying that at all, he's saying whatever happens before the death the death still trumps it.

Some opinions transcend speculation into cold, hard, logical, scientific fact. That you choose to subside on 'opinions' and ignore the evidence degrades you to a denizen not worth mine, nor anybody else's time.

There are welfare reasons to kill, but it is a matter of empathy and perspective taking. Putting down a sick dog is not the same as slaughtering a healthy one to eat it. The perspective has shifted from the animals welfare (to live and prosper) to yours (to satisfy your hunger)

Perhaps you have trouble understanding that others have different but valid opinions to you. I don't have an issue with killing animals for food - perhaps you do, that's your opinion, this is a morality question and morality isn't fixed/set in stone. Claiming to have a different opinion is fine, acting as though only your pov is right is just arrogant. I don't see any issue with being happy to have animals killed for food and being concerned with their welfare - both the conditions they're kept in and how they are killed. Scientific facts don't make this pov any more or less valid.
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Hope you fascists are happy:


If it were muslims invading churches it would have been all over the news by now:


Flipping disgraceful media hysteria whipped up once again.
Orchestrated terrorism - but I guess as its only muslims being targeted it doesn't matter.

That is typically amusing and ironic as Islam and its evil offshoot Sharia is religious fascism is it not? The real fascists cut off the limbs and heads of people and actively have a code and plan of world submission. What does Islam translate to again is it not submission? What do you call it when a group of people want another group of people to be submissive?

Hope you fascists are happy:


If it were muslims invading churches it would have been all over the news by now:


Flipping disgraceful media hysteria whipped up once again.
Orchestrated terrorism - but I guess as its only muslims being targeted it doesn't matter.

According to the Independent:


It was more a "stand outside and hand out leaflets" than an invasion. I am more inclined to believe them than Galloway who has a bit of a history of exaggeration and attention whoring.
According to the Independent:


It was more a "stand outside and hand out leaflets" than an invasion. I am more inclined to believe them than Galloway who has a bit of a history of exaggeration and attention whoring.

Ten people "attempted" is what it said. Although i never even heard of Britain First before i really doubt it was people from NI or Scotland. Then they go on to claim Welsh people have involvement in this group too lol. Hope not Hate are a bunch of morons. Fascists have an anti fascism movement? Really!?

According to the anti-fascist organisation Hope Not Hate, Britain First is a protestant far right group with its roots in Northern Ireland and Scotland.
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Ten people "attempted" is what it said. Although i never even heard of Britain First before i really doubt it was people from NI or Scotland. Then they go on to claim Welsh people have involvement in this group too lol. Hope not Hate are a bunch of morons. Fascists have an anti fascism movement? Really!?

They are an offshoot from the BNP, they are fielding candidates in Scotland and Wales. Everything I have seen of them suggests they are the usual brain dead thug types you tend to see congregating around far right parties.
That is typically amusing and ironic as Islam and its evil offshoot Sharia is religious fascism is it not? The real fascists cut off the limbs and heads of people and actively have a code and plan of world submission. What does Islam translate to again is it not submission? What do you call it when a group of people want another group of people to be submissive?


Sharia is not really an offshoot now is it?
Hope you fascists are happy:


If it were muslims invading churches it would have been all over the news by now:


Flipping disgraceful media hysteria whipped up once again.
Orchestrated terrorism - but I guess as its only muslims being targeted it doesn't matter.

According to the Independent:


It was more a "stand outside and hand out leaflets" than an invasion. I am more inclined to believe them than Galloway who has a bit of a history of exaggeration and attention whoring.

So nothing happened :D

Calm down zoomee and have a nice cup of tea and a bacon sandwich :)
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