Half-Life: Alyx

I must admit I'm having problems finding something awesome to play following Alyx.

Trouble is I've got most of the really decent VR games already, and completed them.
Finished this the other day and absolutely loved it. Only frustrations for me were that I feel I could really do with a 3rd sensor for my CV1, as the number of times I ended up with my back to the sensors and hands stopped being tracked etc which was quite immersion breaking. And also that I think the lower resolution screens in the CV1 were hurting my eyes as I could only manage about 1/2 hour at a time - was good for stopping me rushing through it though! Neither of these the game's fault though!
In the sewers at the moment and the amount of enemies is challenging. It really is intense.

Absolutely mind blowing game. I love the hologram interaction with the weapon upgrades etc. This is the stuff of science fiction. The stuff I dreamed of as a kid. Hell of an experience
Finished it tonight.... Who else sobbed at the end? Especially the post credits scene!

I played through on a Rift CV1, does anyone elses in game hands shake/jitter? The hands in the menus don't but in game they do. I could ignore it a lot but sometimes it would break my immersion a bit when holding a gun close to my face.
Just got to the train bit, 4 hours in so far, I love losing myself in an hour in a totally different world, I can't wait until this quality of VR starts to become the norm.
How many VR games have you played?

A few in the early days with my CV1 then I bought a Vive. Got bored then sold it. I never really found a game back then that hooked me.

That was circa 4 years ago. It seems better now

Currently own

Saints and sinners
HL alyx
Elite dangerous
Arizona sunshine
Skyrim vr
Fo4 vr
After completing Alyx and then going back and playing a few other VR games I popped back into it last night to get some achievements I missed, and it is striking how much better this game looks than just about every other game out there. It's so clear, crisp, detailed and smooth. The only games I think can compare with overall polish and graphics are Robo Recall and Lone Echo, and those are Oculus Exclusives. I'm not aware of any Steam VR games that aren't sims that come close. It really has raised the bar, which is what Valve always try to do with their games.
Only read if you are well into Chapter 7.

Just done Jeff! Now that was an experience!

Used the trash compactor as well (sorry Jeff!)
Finished this the other day and absolutely loved it. Only frustrations for me were that I feel I could really do with a 3rd sensor for my CV1, as the number of times I ended up with my back to the sensors and hands stopped being tracked etc which was quite immersion breaking. And also that I think the lower resolution screens in the CV1 were hurting my eyes as I could only manage about 1/2 hour at a time - was good for stopping me rushing through it though! Neither of these the game's fault though!
Set them up diagonally, 2 set up this way will give you a usable 2.5mx2.5m play area, any larger and your tracking will suffer, should you want/need a larger play space you will need a 3rd sensor
Finally got to try this last night for an hour or two.


Haven’t found myself with my jaw dropping open like that before lol... the first time that 3 legged walker thing goes past you & the feeling of scale of the big tower thing.

So good!

The movement system is a little clumsy compared to how good Robo Recall is, which is annoying...

I like the reload system.
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