***Halo 5***

23 Mar 2011
Is there a way to drop down a full tier in arena? Im on gold but dont know hoe and im struggling. Would rather start at bronze and work up. A mate of mine was doing better than me and got put in bronze. I think thats where i should be lol
27 Sep 2011
I don't think so. As I understand it if you're gold then you can only drop down as far as gold I.

Also it's done on wins not you're own performance so you can be really good but if you lose matches because of crap teammates you'll get a low rating.
23 Mar 2011
I don't think so. As I understand it if you're gold then you can only drop down as far as gold I.

Also it's done on wins not you're own performance so you can be really good but if you lose matches because of crap teammates you'll get a low rating.

Or be like me and be pretty rubbish but get carried by good players and now get forced to be matched at a higher level than i actually am? :(
10 Sep 2010
Cornwall, England
I'm gradually improving in multiplayer, still not 100% used to the controls and sometimes press the wrong button (Doh!).
Managed to get to Diamond yesterday, struggling more now though, don't know if I'll ever make it to Onyx :p

Warzone is fun, I play it to warm up before Arena, trouble is whenever I spend my req points on a nice gun I get killed almost straight after lol.

Oh and you can drop down to a lower tier in multiplayer, I've been Diamond once before and lost my first match, then got demoted to Platinum rank 6. So you can derank.
2 Feb 2012
Newcastle UK
I'm gradually improving in multiplayer, still not 100% used to the controls and sometimes press the wrong button (Doh!).
Managed to get to Diamond yesterday, struggling more now though, don't know if I'll ever make it to Onyx :p

Yeah, no biggie, Just a Diamond Rank ;) Diamond is good mate, so you can't be that bad.

Still seems to be people leaving in Slayer when they are getting beat. Forever frustrating playing 1 v 4.

Should be on tonight if anyone fancies a few games.
16 Mar 2010
Newcastle Upon Tyne

How could you say that about Halo 2?!!? Haha, I will admit that sequel bait endings are the worst when it comes to fiction, but without that 'finish the fight' line, the ending to Halo 2 was pretty decent. I enjoyed the last level and the boss battle. But I do agree that a story shouldn't have to rely on it's successors.

Whoever defends micro-transactions in a full price $60 game is a fool, justification or not, there shouldn't be any micro-transactions in a $60 game, full stop. Ask yourselves this: if people don't need to spend money on micro-transactions, if they are so obsolete, then why are they in the game in the first place? No company would add micro-transactions if they believed nobody would use them. Fact is, whether consciously or sub-consciously, games with micro-transactions are modified to accommodate for said MTs.

But the worst thing isn't just Halo 5. When other companies look at this, they see that MTs are viable profit in $60 AAA titles. Thus the success of this, will shape the industry and more AAA $60 games will release with MTs (as if there weren't enough already). And even if folks think Halo 5 has done it well, I doubt every game from now on that will have MTs will also 'do it well.'

To all those who are fanatically defending the existence of micro-transactions in Halo 5 I say this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHszeYz5Mi0&index=12&list=PLlRceUcRZcK0E1Id3NHchFaxikvCvAVQe

In addition to abstaining from pre-ordering games, I've now decided that I will not buy any full price AAA games that have micro-transactions in them. Not that I have bought many before now (only 1 game I can think of). And I'll also not buy games that run at 30fps on current-gen consoles, in that respect Halo 5 was a beacon of hope. I may be one person, but I'll stand by my beliefs.

I'm sorry but if it's any game that should be getting stick for micro-transactions it's Destiny, that game borders on day light robbery. Angry Joe got so many things wrong in that review it's laughable. The story is too short, and the use of the same boss is a good point that 343i should have changed. But the micro-transactions in this game are the best I have seen. You don't need them to compete not in the slightest. They are confined to one mode warzone. I have opened at least 15 gold packs just by playing the game, and I do not feel like I need to buy packs to compete in warzone. What do we get with micro-transactions in this game? Dedicated severs, free maps so the player base does not get fractured. I will take that any day over paying £5.00 for a dance move thank you. The main mode for Halo 5 is arena, and non of the micro-transactions can mess with that game mode, so like I say best use I have seen in a game yet.
18 Sep 2010
There is 100% nothing wrong with Destiny micro transactions. If you don't want to pay money for a dance then ... don't.

You don't miss out on anything at all, the micro transactions don't impact gameplay at all.
18 Sep 2010
Then in no way destiny should be getting stick for micro transactions, you don't gain advantages for paying money so they can charge whatever they like. People are buying them and getting enjoyment from it so there is nothing wrong with it.

Many more games have been completely ruined by them and Destiny isn't anywhere close to them.
30 Oct 2002
Then in no way destiny should be getting stick for micro transactions, you don't gain advantages for paying money so they can charge whatever they like. People are buying them and getting enjoyment from it so there is nothing wrong with it.

Many more games have been completely ruined by them and Destiny isn't anywhere close to them.

Main point his trying to get across, everything in halo 5 can be obtain by playing the game, or purchased if you want them quicker. In destiny you can't.

Destiny got RNG system for weapons and armour, but you can get the same items over and over. In halo 5 you will never get the same items again.
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16 Mar 2010
Newcastle Upon Tyne
I quoted Mahius. He spoke about Halo 5 plus $60.00 games having micro - transactions in them? I am saying if you are going to have a go at full price games having micro - transactions in them then Destiny is the worst offender. You seem to be confusing my argument with MT's that give a benefit over people that don't buy them, I'm not. The price Bungie are charging for dance moves is crazy, like I said £20.00 for 3 dance moves plus class items, the same price as the Dark below or The house of wolves. Some how I don't think that's a fair price.
26 Jan 2006
Then in no way destiny should be getting stick for micro transactions, you don't gain advantages for paying money so they can charge whatever they like. People are buying them and getting enjoyment from it so there is nothing wrong with it.

Many more games have been completely ruined by them and Destiny isn't anywhere close to them.

It should get more abuse for releasing a game that was torn apart form the ground up to make sure they could make money on it, then charge you again a games price for DLC.
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