Hamilton to Mercedes? BBC

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I can't help but think he's made this decision in anger rather than logical thought, on the one hand it seems that whenever Hamilton has the title in his grasp McLaren somehow blow up in his face, but on the other hand at Mercedes he probably won't even get remotely close to winning the title even with 100% reliability, short of them making a big leap like Ferrari did a decade ago.
m making a big leap like Ferrari did a decade ago.

Which may well happen, this seems like a gamble on 2014 regs. And that no one can guess what will happen. However it will give him a year to meld with the team and his engineers and off course have input into car design.
Pretty disappointed by this move tbh. If I had to place a bet on who I thought was more likely to win the WDC next year between Perez and Hamilton, I'd back Perez.
Wow. It really was just all about the cash.

lol wut :confused:

We already knew that mercedes ran their team with equal drivers as it was reported that Rosberg's contract states that he would be equal to whoever the other driver is. Why would Mercedes suddenly change this and go against an existing contract just because it's Hamilton.
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Why would Mercedes suddenly change this and go against an existing contract just because it's Hamilton.

They haven't, they are still equal.

In the world of Twitter, JB has apparently this morning stopped following Hamilton, and immediately started following Perez :p
Hamilton is not going to win a single race next year or for the foreseeable future.

Define foreseeable future and I will take a bet....

Friends over the pond are saying they are hearing Perez people paid 30m to get him in a mclaren :confused:

Can't see they needed to but stranger things have happened.

I also don't believe for a minute that Mercedes will not offer the world to Lewis and not give him no1 status. Lewis would have been after it and who could blame him.
Stupid career move in my honest opinion, Perez will in all most certainty be in a much better car that is viable of winning the championship and Hamilton will end up lower down the grid, silly boy.
Vodafone joined McLaren in 2007, same time Hamilton did...

Maybe in 2014 they will follow him to Mercedes if it was him they were most interested in?

Hamilton driving a red and silver Vodafone Mercedes, lol.
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