***Han Solo movie***

Apparently its supposed to be some revolutionary low light cinematography but poorly calibrated cinemas had problems (the screen I saw it on did) and instead of moody / gloomy / atmospheric it was just hard to see

I'm guessing the conversation to home media has had the same problems

The guy reponsable was appointed before Ron Howard took over, guess they couldn't change it without binning all the stuff already filmed
I dunno, I thought it was kinda cool (despite not strictly needing an explanation) - even though the original line was just a mistake you'd have thought in an established space-faring society one of the other characters would have certainly called it out... it'd be like someone saying to you "yeah my car is pretty awesome, it can get me from London to Bristol in 100 miles"... which implies that "The Kessel Run" and/or the tale from Solo is *so* infamous that people wouldn't have a second thought about questioning it, in spite of how ludicrous it sounds
Just to put it into perspective, the whole Kessel Run saga took up 30 minutes of the film's duration - that's almost a quarter of the story devoted to explaining an error. Parsec was used in the completely wrong context in ANH - I know that, you know that, everybody knows that - it simply didn't warrant any screen time at all.
to be fair it looked really dingy in places in the Cinema.

Cinematography is a bit poor considering it's Ron Howard.

Didn't have any issues with light balance when I watched it - I looked out for it as a few had people complained - other than a small number of scenes where the background was a bit murky everything else was fine.
Just to put it into perspective, the whole Kessel Run saga took up 30 minutes of the film's duration - that's almost a quarter of the story devoted to explaining an error. Parsec was used in the completely wrong context in ANH - I know that, you know that, everybody knows that - it simply didn't warrant any screen time at all.

Personally I don't see why it's a problem - it may have been to explain something a bit silly but it was still a cool sequence - especially that part where the Falcon does a barrel-roll to flip a TIE into a chunk of debris...

They could have gone another way with it sure... maybe try to play it off that Han drops the whole "12 parsecs" line to new people he meets as a way of trying to suss out if they know what they're talking about or not... you know like a Star Wars equivalent of a left-handed screwdriver / hammer... or just not mentioned the Kessel Run at all... but they had to put at least some references and things in or people would've complained just the same

It's nowhere near as stupid to me as the explanation they put in to why he goes by "solo"
Didn't really feel like a Star Wars movie, more a spin off from Blade Runner.

Actor playing Han Solo seemed more like a young Dennis Quaid than Harrison Ford.

Loads of plot holes never really explained like how Kira

There was quite a heavy Blade Runner/Western feel to it but it also had a lot of Star Wars elements - I thought personally that aspect more kind of fit Han's background - when he first appears originally with the leather holster and vest, etc.

It would have been nice if the movie hadn't jumped over some aspects quite so much - her story is heavily implied though and probably a bit best left to the imagination.
Personally I don't see why it's a problem - it may have been to explain something a bit silly but it was still a cool sequence - especially that part where the Falcon does a barrel-roll to flip a TIE into a chunk of debris...

Indeed enjoyed that, and the whole sequence (with the turret) gave me the same sort of feeling as I got when you see the Falcon for the first time in TFA - flashbacks of nostalgia is it digs up memories of Ep4 and the similar tie sequence there.
Personally I felt that sequence needed a bit more work - started quite well but the scale wasn't quite there and the monster should have been more felt than seen as well. I kind of felt like they ran out of ideas by the middle of the sequence - I wanted to see a bit more of Han "threading the needle" while at the same time a bit more developing the concept that it was as much BS as it was some great piloting.
Personally I don't see why it's a problem - it may have been to explain something a bit silly but it was still a cool sequence - especially that part where the Falcon does a barrel-roll to flip a TIE into a chunk of debris...

They could have gone another way with it sure... maybe try to play it off that Han drops the whole "12 parsecs" line to new people he meets as a way of trying to suss out if they know what they're talking about or not... you know like a Star Wars equivalent of a left-handed screwdriver / hammer... or just not mentioned the Kessel Run at all... but they had to put at least some references and things in or people would've complained just the same

It's nowhere near as stupid to me as the explanation they put in to why he goes by "solo"
It was cool, but that sequence could have taken place anywhere in the galaxy, thus avoiding this huge plot hole, one so great that even Solo himself would say "look at the size of that thing!" - like you said, Kessel needn't have been mentioned at all rather than appeasing the fans who made up the whole "12 parsec" excuse.

And how Han got "Solo" was just cringe-worthy!!
It was cool, but that sequence could have taken place anywhere in the galaxy, thus avoiding this huge plot hole, one so great that even Solo himself would say "look at the size of that thing!" - like you said, Kessel needn't have been mentioned at all rather than appeasing the fans who made up the whole "12 parsec" excuse.

Hmm, perhaps a nice middle-ground would have been to still keep it in, but not have anybody refer to it as such in "Solo"... i.e. don't have obvious exposition like "Oooo yeah you heard about the Kessel Run?" (para-phrasing it was a while ago I saw it)... in other words, have it be that we the viewers are aware that what we're seeing is likely the well known "Kessel Run" mentioned in the later movies, but to the characters in "Solo" it's not anything of any significance, so that it doesn't come across so smugly self-referential
Watched this last night, I thought Chewbacca was excellent, he never fails to put in a great performance across all the films....

Give it a 6.5/10 very watchable, would have been 7 apart from the stupid chasing space monster scene which was not really required &Paul Betteny (Cant get on with his acting)
The character of chewie doesn't give a "performance" though, the actor does.
How much of performance does a person in a suit give that can't be easily acheived by an other actor.
Especially as they worked on TFA with Mayhew and shared the duty. So they 'know' how to behave like Chewie.
You realise it's not the same guy as who was in the original Star Wars trilogy?

Peter Mayhew is 74 and has been in a wheelchair for a while now.
The character of chewie doesn't give a "performance" though, the actor does.

You see, this is how wars start................... ITS A MAN IN A SUIT.... Pretty sure after 2hrs anyone could play Chewie.............

Oh the irony :)
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