***Han Solo movie***

Have you never seen clone wars or Rebels? That fills you in on the end.

I just read up on it.
I've seen an episode or two, too drawn out and didn't have a star wars feel for me. I'm sure there are a lot of people like me who also thought wtf at that part. Having to research the events of a kids show further taints the film imo.
As for the end with
Darth Maul - how is this possible? He was killed when Darth Vader was just a boy. If this movie was set a decade before ANH, then Luke woulda been a little runt meaning Ep 3 should have already happened.

Google search The Clone Wars Season 4 and look at the story line (if you don't plan on watching it).
I think they are churning these out too fast. It just doesn't have the buzz you'd expect. I guess it's all about the money; well yes, it always had been. Badly released in my eyes.

The movie was alright, but not re watchable.

I watched Rogue One the other day and it restored my faith in the franchise somewhat. Not a fan of Awakens.

Solo was next on the list, but, it looks like it is not good. Just Googled some ratings and The Last Jedi according to Esquire is okay? I'll give it a go. *

* Now I am raging when flicking through the ratings. :D

I thought that the Revenge of the Sith was crap - If Luke had learned of the stuff his old man had undertaken in his past during ROTJ - I doubt Luke would be so quick to forgive.

It's only a film I tell myself... ;)
Atleast with Solo I feel like the director "gets" the audience - some stuff wasn't great/needs more work but overall it felt like a Starwars movie.

That sounds encouraging :) I know with SW I'm a moth to a flame, then I'll moan (like Bond).
I watched this tonight, I did enjoy it but it wasn't amazing, a solid 6/7.

The droid was annoying as ****, I was happy we didn't have to live with that through the entire film
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I really enjoyed Solo to be honest... went in with pretty low expectations (and hadn't seen any trailers or anything)... felt like Star Wars to me :)
Had seen the trailer but the same for me, it did have a Star Wars feeling and felt more link Rouge One than the other two new films which for me was a good thing.
Just watched, scraped a 5/10 because Star Wars, Rogue One vastly superior in almost every way. Possibly because I just really dont care about Han Solo at all. :)
How about this for a novel idea? Watch it and make up your own mind rather than relying on the musings of internet critics with agendas.

I take reviews with a pinch of salt. No need to be sarcastic.

I agree with your point, films are very subjective and like everything you buy/watch/listen - best to judge oneself.
I just read up on it.
I've seen an episode or two, too drawn out and didn't have a star wars feel for me. I'm sure there are a lot of people like me who also thought wtf at that part. Having to research the events of a kids show further taints the film imo.

I reckon Rebels is about the best thing Disney have produced since they took over Star Wars. The final season in particular is very good. I agree you shouldn’t have to watch everything on Tv or in print but I doubt the end of a Solo breaks that rule. If that thread is used in a later film I’m sure it will be addressed, unless of course Rian Johnson is involved in which case it will get binned like any other build up not produced by his once amazing vision. :rolleyes:
So Darth Maul survived being cut in half, got a mechanical arse, and now just calls himself Maul?
I don't really understand the point of that, but it doesn't overall matter.

I quite liked the Solo film.
Han shot first.
Kessel run. Making up some crap to explain an error, fine I can live with it.

There is nothing remotely awful or as bad as TLJ in this.
It felt like a film set in the star wars universe, which I think was good.

I have a different interpretation of L3. I agree it is Kathleen Kennedy embodied, but I thought they took it to such extremes as to utterly take the **** out of that class of person.
In the end, she gets her head ripped off, and becomes subservient to a machine, in which she now lives for eternity. Her personality and hopes and dreams destroyed and gone.
Or maybe i am reading too much into such things.
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