Given the consensus by most people that "touch" isn't really a good thing on a Desktop, then will someone please explain why they think W8 is the best thing since sliced bread?
I get the phone/tablet argument, not an issue.
Because it works perfectly fine with a keyboard and mouse as well? but you'd have known this if you'd have given it a fair trail and learnt how it works. It seems though that you have made up your mind to hate it at the earliest possibility and then come on to public forums to repeatedly state these views, what gives?
Why should we spend any time trying to convert you when you can simply re-install it in a VM and just try it yourself again? what open minded tech geek wouldn't do this?
Oh there's a whole bunch of us that also have mac products such as MBP's so know exactly how OS X works, if you think there's something about it that is much better please say as they both seem to be fairly comparable as decent modern OS's.
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