Hard Drive Pricing going up at an alarming rate!!!!

ocuk is obviously not selling the drives at the margin they bought them at. they raised the prices like everyone else.
Wow, those prices are horrendous!

I hope they come down when I look at upgrading my pc in the upcoming months...
actually starting to make SSD look the sensible choice aint it!....prices are holding ok on them atm.....thought that they would have shot up in sympathy
:eek: The rocketing price of the 1tb Western Digital Green drive!
I don't think I paid anything near that for mine 2 years ago...

Think I'll stick to using my external drives and maybe look into getting a bigger SSD.
I wonder how much sales have declined? Will be interesting to see a monthly report if possible.
ocuk is obviously not selling the drives at the margin they bought them at. they raised the prices like everyone else.

To be fair, when the prices finally start coming down again, OcUK will have to drop their prices to remain competitive too. This means any HDDs they had in stock when the price went up they will make more profit on, but when prices drop they will end up making a much smaller margin/loss on those they hold in stock at that time. It will even itself out over time, and OcUK have to stay in step with the industry or they will end up losing out.
From what I've heard most places are seeing a steep rise in sales, presumably from people buying now in anticipation prices will rise even further.

Yes a lot of panick buying, we've even had some cheeky traders trying to buy 100+ at a time from us, but we simply just stop the orders.
Sales will be up over the last 10 days or so for sure - but in the coming months with those prices they will obviously drop off rather rapidly. I would expect to see the real business being done in the 2nd hand market until prices drop off as a lot of people realise those spare 2tb drives they bought for £50 a go are now worth double that!!:D
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