Hard Drive Pricing going up at an alarming rate!!!!

Prices are mad but the retailers must be loving it there profits off each drive sold will be huge.

Yeah, I reckon they are but when people stop paying these huge prices for HDDs then they could get hit hard which means the price could permanently stay pretty high.

(Well not permanently, but for a very long time)
That's just incredible, the Hitachi 7K3000 I brought from here a month ago for £109.99 is now £199.99, wow!

The WD WD20EARX has over doubled in in price. I brought 2 of them for around £52 each they are now £124.99 each!
Ingram (a trade distributor) has started offering HDs again - I was paying sub £70 for RE4 1TB a few weeks back - now at £190 ex VAT :eek:
Looking at all the concern about storage space I must be a complete miser when it comes to shelling out on hard drives :D I just have an 80gb Containing the os & a 250gb one split into partitions for storage.

If I get stuck for space I go on a data cull :D

Join the club.

I have an 80gb SSD, a 250gb & 640gb HHD. Loads of spare capacity. I struggle to see how I would ever need any more than 1TB. OK, if I were to store all of my DVDs, Music and Photos on HDD, then I might get close. How much space does a modern game take up when fully installed ? 10 - 20gb ? Would anyone have more than 10 (large) games installed at any one time ?
I have a 2 128GB SSDs and an 2TB drive with steam backups, drivers and other program setup exes. There is then a good 2-3000 MP3s and thats it. I have 400GB remaining. With that in mind I could do with another as its coming up forwinter and I spend moretime indoors as the weather gets colder.
I'm amazed at the increases. I have a 2TB and a 1.5TB sat on my desk that I had planned on keeping for the time being. I may not now...
Does this mean prices for Ready built PC's will being going up? Along with Laptops?

Already been asked and answered:
System sales will remain un-affected as we hold SI stock with a minimum of 3 months holding, so systems remain un-affected.

Also sales today, well we've sold more hard drives today than we did this time last week, so even though prices have doubled, sales are up considerably. :)
That Bangkok post article says a rise of 20-25% some of the prices now are far more than that surely, Drives I was considering @£55 are now £90+
System sales will remain un-affected as we hold SI stock with a minimum of 3 months holding, so systems remain un-affected.

Also sales today, well we've sold more hard drives today than we did this time last week, so even though prices have doubled, sales are up considerably. :)

ah, so it wasnt just you guys forgetting to change the price. expect to sell a lot of the cheaper prebuilds because they are now cheaper than buying the components separately
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