Hard Drive Pricing going up at an alarming rate!!!!

Was gonna buy samsung F3 but price shot up, just bought earlier an 2TB 5900 RPM HDD for £70 :) still bargain at this moment. needed it for my new PC.
That article says 20% rise so retailers here are just adding more profit on top of the 20%.

Glad i brought 4 new 2TB drives when they where £50 each.

That Bangkok post article says a rise of 20-25% some of the prices now are far more than that surely, Drives I was considering @£55 are now £90+

Indeed - it also seems to inidicate that manufacturers are now putting in contingency measures in order to continue production. The article below says that Hitachi and Western Digital's facilities are unaffected but that their component suppliers might be.


Western Digital's news page - http://www.wdc.com/en/company/thailandupdates/
I think these price rises so fast and so high are due to panic buying.

I have 3 HDs I use for backing up my pictures so should be fine for another year or so..
Crazy!! Decided to drop my 2nd hard drive from my system build atm. (I managed to get 1TB Barracuda for £40 at the london tech fair, exact same model is now 89.99!!)
Just seen a Caviar Black 2tb at £383.66 what a rip off it was selling around 119 a week ago. Some retailers are really milking this. At least O/C warned there customers well in advance and are only charging average upsell prices.
I for one will remember who was fair and who are at the rip for future dealings.
Just seen a Caviar Black 2tb at £383.66 what a rip off it was selling around 119 a week ago. Some retailers are really milking this. At least O/C warned there customers well in advance and are only charging average upsell prices.
I for one will remember who was fair and who are at the rip for future dealings.

Damn they do seem to rip you off a bit too far.
Went to order 3 Sammf Eco 2TBs this morning, showin as £69 at checkout and in basket, clixked to put in CC details shot upto £112.

Joy :(

Retailers margins on existing stock must be skyrocketing!
Join the club.

I have an 80gb SSD, a 250gb & 640gb HHD. Loads of spare capacity. I struggle to see how I would ever need any more than 1TB. OK, if I were to store all of my DVDs, Music and Photos on HDD, then I might get close. How much space does a modern game take up when fully installed ? 10 - 20gb ? Would anyone have more than 10 (large) games installed at any one time ?

Games often take up 5-10GB and the large ones like total war and a big RPG etc often take up to 30-40gb (might be 35 i cant quite remember).

People have uncompressed blu ray's which is what, up to 50gb a film?

On my PC, if I fraps my screen at 60fps 2560*1600 one minute of video is like 4gb or 4.2 or whatever its standard split size is, obviously compression instantly changes that down to a much nicer size, but compression on the fly is much harder to do while gaming.

But yea, lots of films, lots of music and a lot of games take up a lot of space. Personally I have like 3TB of films, 170gb music, 1.2 TB of games (everything I own is installed, cause why not when it cost like £30 for a 1TB drive), around 4-500gb of software/driver/game installers or ISO rips of the discs themselves so I never have to fish out that random cd that is in "some safe place" after the amount of moving house I have done, and PC's i build/repair, its easier to just have it on a network RAID array.

If I didnt want films on my PC, I could easily remove my 5 x 2TB drives and be fine, but I like to have everything on my pc and offline if possible.
I would not have bothered buying the extra storage if the prices were like they are now though.
It has been stated that OC sell the current stock at the replacement cost, this is of course one way of doing it.

Can I politely ask then, that when the prices do eventually start to fall does OC sell the higher priced stock at the lower replacement cost?
Or will you be selling your higher priced stock first at normal price and only reduce the price when the new stock is being sent out?

I ask this not to criticise your pricing model but (as you were open about the HDD pricing) does your model work both ways?

Kudos in advance if you give the answer I think you will.
It has been stated that OC sell the current stock at the replacement cost, this is of course one way of doing it.

Can I politely ask then, that when the prices do eventually start to fall does OC sell the higher priced stock at the lower replacement cost?
Or will you be selling your higher priced stock first at normal price and only reduce the price when the new stock is being sent out?

I ask this not to criticise your pricing model but (as you were open about the HDD pricing) does your model work both ways?

Kudos in advance if you give the answer I think you will.

We aim to always be reasonably competitive, if that means were out on price and we have to lower resulting in a loss to ourselves, we would still lower our pricing. Hope this answers your question. :)
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