Have things got out of hand?

How much do you want for said rock? :p

Back to the OP, and ignoring the derailing of this thread. He probably just choose the wrong time to voice his opinion
I read the article and I agree with him, it's crazy that in this politically correct world a person can walk through an airport with there face covered, whats to say she wasn't carrying a bomb under it?

If security measures are to be enforced, everyone should be treated the same.

I'm flying to America in April and although I might not have voiced my opinion, I would have thought exactly the same thing as he did.

I'll also feel very insecure if I'm flying with anybody who has a burka or turban on, not because they're muslim or any other religion but because they could be hiding knives or explosives on them

Unless she's hiding the bomb on her face, then you're fears are bog standard Daily Heil/The Scum/Mein Kampf claptrap. The real issue is with identification and whether or not they are who they say they are. More to the point, if somebody wanted to bomb a plane or airport:
  • It would be dumb to use a woman in a burkha/hijab/whatever - prime suspect.
  • They would use a device small enough and ordinary-looking to do it. Something that could be concealed in underwear or shoe soles, perhaps? :rolleyes:

Bottom line is, he was in a hurry and should have known better than to make a glib comment at an airport. It's common knowledge that the rent-a-cops at airports have their sense of humour surgically removed.

Please note I am not expressing an opinion as to what is 'right' and what is 'wrong', just stating that the guy made a cretinous comment and should have known better.
I think you can with this one - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoroastrianism

When Freddie Mercury (Bulsara) died I remember the News saying his family were that religion and you can only be born into it.
I could be proved wrong though.

You can be born into a religious culture / environment, but whether a person ends up following that religion or not is entirely a choice.

If people were born into religions and had no choice over their beliefs, then there wouldnt be any such thing as people converting, or trying to convert others to a different religion.

People have the choice to convert, change or abandon any belief system, it isnt the same thing as a genetic trait that a person is biologically born with. A persons religious choice / beliefs is not a phenotypic expression of any part of their genome.
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Unless she's hiding the bomb on her face, then you're fears are bog standard Daily Heil/The Scum/Mein Kampf claptrap. The real issue is with identification and whether or not they are who they say they are. More to the point, if somebody wanted to bomb a plane or airport:
  • It would be dumb to use a woman in a burkha/hijab/whatever - prime suspect.
  • They would use a device small enough and ordinary-looking to do it. Something that could be concealed in underwear or shoe soles, perhaps? :rolleyes:.

  • How can you make a snap judgement about just because I read the daily mail it makes me rascist, I don't read the political pages, I read the tech section of mail online.

    Hijabs cover shoulders too so it's hardly going to be strapped to her face is it.
You can be born into a religious culture / environment, but whether a person ends up following that religion or not is entirely a choice.

Now that's not completely true is it? Some people are born into religion and certain cultures and yes they have a choice, however the choice is often heavily weighted. Yes you have the choice to abandon the specific religion but at the cost of losing your immediate family, this often comes with certain advantages. Some folks I worked with told me how their family gave them a house and money, if they had abandoned their families ideals then this would never of happened, they would then of found it difficult to survive.

I on the other hand found it very simple to abandon my religious beliefs, this came with absolutely no consequence whatsoever.

As to the op, he was stupid to even make any comment whatsoever to security staff in an airport, they have a sense of humour deficit, which is sort of understandable. The Muslim security bod should have had more sense than to take offence, and in fairness I wouldn't of apologised either, then I wouldn't of made the comment in the first place.
How can you make a snap judgement about just because I read the daily mail it makes me rascist, I don't read the political pages, I read the tech section of mail online.

Hijabs cover shoulders too so it's hardly going to be strapped to her face is it.

I didn't call you a racist. Though your defensiveness has been noted.

My point was that the link people make between veiled faces and bomb threats is nonsensical unless they are suggesting that people will conceal some form of explosive on their face.

Unless the line of argument is related to immigration issues, having a covered up face is about as relevant as talking about hair colour.
When David jones went through the x-ray with clothes on why wasn't he detained? He could have had a chemical bomb hidden under his clothes. Everyone know you must be stripped naked and every orifice searched before you get on the plane because the x-rays cannot go through clothes.
I don't know about that, in some cases it's effectively brainwashing.
Do people still trot out ridiculous comments like that as if it has any basis in reality ? :confused:

Just about every media outlet on the planet is promoting the exact opposite of the teachings of most religions.
24/7 you are being fed a diet of size 0 models with white teeth, drinking CocaCola, shooting virtual terrorists, watching X-Factor, reading the opinions of the Daily Mail, following your peers into drinking, sleeping with whomever, accepting this weeks political corruption as the price for democracy, meanwhile buying into capitalist consumption at the expense of all else.

Every thought you've ever had about your world has probably been influenced by somebody else, possibly with a profit motive in mind, yet only the readers of arcane texts get to be singled out as the brainwashed.

Look in the mirror sometime :)
Do people still trot out ridiculous comments like that as if it has any basis in reality ? :confused:

Just about every media outlet on the planet is promoting the exact opposite of the teachings of most religions.
24/7 you are being fed a diet of size 0 models with white teeth, drinking CocaCola, shooting virtual terrorists, watching X-Factor, reading the opinions of the Daily Mail, following your peers into drinking, sleeping with whomever, accepting this weeks political corruption as the price for democracy, meanwhile buying into capitalist consumption at the expense of all else.

Every thought you've ever had about your world has probably been influenced by somebody else, possibly with a profit motive in mind, yet only the readers of arcane texts get to be singled out as the brainwashed.

Look in the mirror sometime :)

I said that in some cases it's brainwashing, not always.

Are you suggesting that not a single person has ever been brainwashed with regards to religion? Or that someone has followed a religion because they have been forced to, instead of them actually choosing to do so?

As for things like the media, where did I mention that? :confused:
It is a joke, a Burka should be ripped off a woman if she wont remove it, no need for them in this country, wear them in your backwards country but not here.

Give an inch and they will take a mile.

LOL, strong relation to the topic at hand.

Wait I am the bad guy but this woman has the to wear the burka because her husband will lash her if any part of her skin is seen in public, Muslim men like oppressing women, no place in society for it.

oh you were trolling, never mind.
I said that in some cases it's brainwashing, not always.
Noted :) Although I gather your view of religion is negative anyway ?

Are you suggesting that not a single person has ever been brainwashed with regards to religion? Or that someone has followed a religion because they have been forced to, instead of them actually choosing to do so?
Culture and family are certainly major influences but the term brainwashing is derogatory, implying that the ideas fostered are malicious when really they are anything but. The percentage of people leaving faith schools with any kind of belief is pretty low IME.

Parents also have the right to instil whatever beliefs they choose, the prerogative of having children is to raise them as you see fit.

(I mentioned the media as the most common form of brainwashing, as we have really no choice in being influenced by it)
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Noted :) Although I gather your view of religion is negative anyway ?

Not particularly, I have nothing against religion in general. People are free to do as they wish.

Culture and family are certainly major influences but the term brainwashing is derogatory, implying that the ideas fostered are malicious when really they are anything but. The percentage of people leaving faith schools with any kind of belief is pretty low IME.

Parents also have the right to instil whatever beliefs they choose, the prerogative of having children is to raise them as you see fit.

I didn't mean for it to be derogatory. I'd imagine the majority of cases would fit into the latter part of your post, but I'm sure some are more sinister; there are some very sinister religious groups.

I certainly wasn't aiming a brainwashing remark at faith schools, just putting forward the point to Bhavv that it's possible to have a religion forced upon you, whether it's common or not.
but I'm sure some are more sinister; there are some very sinister religious groups.
even my own is not above criticism sometimes :(

Although I don't think brainwashing is the right term, people's beliefs can be negatively influenced by stubbornness or irrationality, but that's not really the fault of religion itself, just in people's interpretation.

As America seems to suffer with it's own TSA, I wonder if part of the problem is just under trained, poor quality staff being given a script to follow parrot fashion. Airport security does seem to be something that was rushed into place by Government(s) anxious to be seen to 'do something'.
I'd hate to think my security was reliant on people who snoop on people's Twitter feed all day long.

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