Having monthly English lessons on the forums?

TBH, afaik, ofc, etc etc.
In my subjective view it's far more acceptable to write afaik rather than 'i no'.

Yeah I don't mind TBC, LOL, LMAO, IIRC, ofc etc because they're from the early internet days pre-Millennium. It's the newer ones like idk (I don't know) and ikr (I know right) that bug me. Kids seem to love writing these all over deviantART and they write smilies the other way round, to appear like C: instead of :-) No, we're not Asian; we read left-to-right thank you very much! Plus C: is the DOS prompt, but nowaday kids won't know that.
Is this real life?

Are we really discussing this? **** the bed get a grip of your lives.
You should have spent less time on these forums if we should have remind you about these things. I am going of on an tangent, (: but their is a place in are land were you learn too speak the Engrish language. It is not to hard.
A lot of users have utterly appalling English skills on these forums. Most, if not all of these people aren't in school anymore, so they will probably live the rest of their lives not knowing the correct form. Would it not be a good idea to have monthly English grammar/punctuation lessons? If anybody is caught getting that month's lesson wrong then they are given an hour long ban or something?

I've already devised the first lesson as an example:

Lesson 1 - of, have.

It's extremely common for people to get mixed up with these. When speaking fast people usually say "should've" but when they write this down they seem to use "should have" because it sounds like the pronunciation of should've.

Bob should have paid attention at school.

Bob should of paid attention at school.

Asim18 should have given that old lady on his doorstep, a cup of tea and some biscuits. Rather than hiding and peaking out the blinds, while waiting on the police.
Their seems to be an problem with peoples grammar. They should have gone to school, that'll learn 'em.
Their seems to be an problem with peoples grammar. They should have gone to school, that'll learn 'em.

I work with someone that constantly tells people that I am "learning him" when I'm teaching him how to do something. Apparently he doesn't like me correcting him, either. :(

Edit: I did another booboo and got bullied. :(
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Asim, I'm not trying to be awkward or anything but you teaching people English would be like Jeremy Beadle teaching people to clap.

I'm not going to bother pointing out the mistakes you made out in your OP, just along as you understand that they exist and your own English isn't perfect.

I could accept someone like edrof making one of these threads but the fact is, he wouldn't because he's not a massive bell end.
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