No placebo or OTT reaction of thinking it is working, because it's quite bloody apparent that it is by the fact I can breathe again haha. £129 spent which at the time I could have kicked myself for, but now thinking £129 was some of the best money I have ever spent.
Now, I just need to fashion some strapping to carry it around on my back all summer and a way to portably power it and I am all set as a portable pollen kiling god!
Just ordered one of these, I'll give it a go as I'm fed up with stuck-together eyes, a blocked nose and a mouth like a camel's bumhole when I wake up.
They do work. The issue with them is you need air con. As leaving the window open. Kind of defeats them.
I've been dying from this the past month. Never affected me before to this extent. I am on the benodryl but I still have the symptoms, all though not as worse. Even in an air conned office the pollen seems to get in...
You will have very minimal air flow with curtains / blinds unless it's windy.
In this heat doors and windows stay open as do the curtains. To maximize air flow.