Head of E.A Origin says "Steam sales are bad" & wants Origin to be the hub for gamers

why does origin always forgot my password even tho i click remember me? It works for a few days then back to asking for it? such a crappy program.
Last time I looked at Origin I LOL'd at the prices. I think the no decent sale philosophy speaks volumes.

I'll stick with Steam, thanks.
Steam sales are great. Sometimes I will buy a game at full price on release. Other times I will wait for it to be on sale.
Other other times I'll miss it when it cost about 3 quid then shout a bit and pay 20 quid for it a week later. But that's just the way the cookie crumbles.

The games I do not buy at full price (because I consider them to be overpriced, for example) are lost sales. The games I do buy at a discount are extra sales, which they wouldn't have got... and will probably lead to extra sales for that developer's games, or expansions or whatever.

Steam sales are great for me. Perhaps less good for the developer, but at least they can say they sold another copy.
There was an article about this at, I think RPS, which pointed out that whether or not sales devalue IP, one thing that certainly does is milking franchises, re-releasing the same game slightly tweaked every year, certainly does. I wonder what this EA guy thinks of that?
The only reason I installed Origin was because I got BF3 free with my 560Ti... after going through an hour or so of installation and configuration I got BF3 downloaded and loaded whilst trying to battle with the client. Then BF3 gave me nothing but trouble. Felt like I'd been head shotted more times by Origin than any opponent on BF3.

The only reason I can see why someone would buy an Origin game is when EA release a title that will not be available on Steam. But seriously... who these days buys an EA title.

Didn't they recently get voted the most evil company in America?
Only games I've wanted to play on Origin have been ME3 and BF3, so far not installed it or bought these games. OK there are those moments when I want to complete the ME3 Trilogy, but it can wait.
Hmm, I was hoping ME3 would come to Steam but it never will due to the Bioware Points microtransactions inside the game. :(
Played BF3 a lot, bought the limited edition but now EA want another 40 notes for DLC I already have and for some new maps and for some DLC that ain't out yet. I don't think so EA you can do one!!

DLC on PC is a no no keep it to the console tards thanks!!

Oh and that blokes photo screams 'evil genius'
Oh and that blokes photo screams 'evil genius'

I'm gonna go with screaming 'smug moron' on this one.

Only ever touched Origin to pre-order the Digital Deluxe Edition of SW:TOR, and then promptly removed it since I could download the client from the Bioware website. Have been using Steam for over 6 years now, can't see myself stopping anytime :D
Only games I've wanted to play on Origin have been ME3 and BF3, so far not installed it or bought these games. OK there are those moments when I want to complete the ME3 Trilogy, but it can wait.

I wanted to buy ME3 as well, as I enjoyed ME2, but seeing as it's Origin only, EA can go screw themselves. I've not bought it either.
In other news, Head of E.A Origin says "herpderpderp".

I installed Origin once, within ten minutes I'd uninstalled it. Very nearly bought ME3, Origin was putting me off it and then all the bad ending stuff.
Guy is a blatant tool, I hope EA and origin choke the idiot to death.

Origin is in a constant state of improvement, lol yeah right you can polish a turd mate ;)
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