Helldivers 2

Your team mates can drop a strategem to bring you back into the fight, there's a limited number given at the start of the mission (basically lives) and you get an additional one added every 2 minutes once those are used up.

They are shared between everyone in the squad.
How does that work?

Do you respawn after a set time or get revived etc?
So your Teammates can call you back in with a global stratagem. Its 5 lives per player I believe. So 20 with a 4 man.

However in the situation that all 4 die at the same time it auto drops all four of you back in.

You only Fail, fail if you run out of reinforcements and then you all get killed. Or if your mission timer hits 0 and then the super destroyer leaves so nothing can be called in, Then you all get killed.
Really enjoying this, I do find the map and thus finding places a little confusing so I just follow people around :D

Found it more enjoyable with a controller as the vibration adds to the game.
Noob question. How do you place waypoints on the map. I know you press tab to view it and then 'unview'. But not sure how people drop markers on in. And i keep forgetting to google it till im mid game...
Really enjoying this, I do find the map and thus finding places a little confusing so I just follow people around :D

Found it more enjoyable with a controller as the vibration adds to the game.
Kinda depends how good your squad is. The most efficient way to do it is to drop where you can complete the primary/secondary objectives whilst clearing outposts in a circular route ending at the extraction point. But if your team is marginal you are better off just hitting the main objectives and bugging out ASAP imo. When matchmaking if one person calls out objectives and everyone else follows its a much smoother experience.
Quite enjoying this at the moment.

Only level 3 but only started playing this morning.

I have 25 medals, what's worth getting first\saving up for?
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Quite enjoying this at the moment.

Only level 3 but only started playing this morning.

I have 25 medals, what's worth getting first\saving up for?

I went for the supply pack and Gatling turret early doors. Cannot underestimate how much ammo you get through on this game!
Did a 3 step mini "hard" campaign last night to bag 18 medals.

The first mission drop was rock and roll from the get go. It was constant fighting for 36 minutes , retreating/fighting from one base to another. Barely made it out.

If you don't concentrate, a cluster of ads calling in backup ends up being the boss battle vs the actual boss battle.
Get the breaker shotgun and grenade launcher asap, also avoid the patrols and only engage enemies if they're in the way or at the objectives otherwise you'll waste time and ammo and you get no xp for kills anyway. On the harder difficulties you'll get wiped if you start killing patrols as the enemies will just keep spawning and getting bigger.
I use the grenade launcher exclusively, just have to be mindful of the danger (to team) and to whip out the pistol for close bursts dealing with adds. Good call on the patrols, the higher difficulty becomes time critical in missions - save the casual spray fun when your not bothered about collecting stuff.
A newer friend entered the fold yesterday and he's a cadet. He picked up the GL after a wipe and liked it but when we checked the stats after the mission he understood 'accidentals' and went back to the machine gun! :cry:
I wish that I could remove the fog\dust\mist (Whatever it is)

As it makes it annoying at times to see what's going on.

still enjoying it and level 5 now
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