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Help Needed: Skynet CPU challenge

I'll get back into this when I can.
Playing the silicon lottery at the moment with my 4670k. Up to a stable 4.2ghz and have some ideas and upgrades planned. Building a new desk first.
Planet 3d are ahead but if you knock 8 million points of that's were they should be, they did loads of work before the challenge started then uploaded it once the challenge started,i suppose in real life that would make somebody a cheat?

tipes - you have ;) http://pogs.theskynet.org/pogs/hosts_user.php?userid=40720

Shame on planet 3D, but I am doing my best to reverse the situation - I think.

Ps is that score good or bad above only just joined up so no idea.
Hey guys - think we need more participants if we are to make any real inroads to getting anywhere near planet 3D - or is that not our aim? seems the gap is remaining constant - if not increasing. The head start they had makes it very unfair in my view - but hey ho.

Let's hope we can at least hold on to 2nd place - we are being chased hard by those just behind us.

seems like we have hit a brick wall as the work out put isn't going as much as it was, last time were was a few more guys taking part, although it shows around 61 active members there isn't at all , its more like 30 - 35 at most as the others havnt produced anything in the last 30 days. Last time there was a few more with some good cpu power

to name a couple

texas connection
happy to help lol

my home PC is a I7 950 @ 4ghz and my work PC is a Xeon 3.66ghx 6 core 12 thread thing! lol
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I have joined the group when I go to the above link.

software states its been running for 33 mins

should see me as "Richard" can see me under the new members in the last day
I have joined the group when I go to the above link.

software states its been running for 33 mins

should see me as "Richard" can see me under the new members in the last day

I see you now :D is your works pc at home or at a place of work, just incase you decide to use it if work would be ok if you did, don't want to get in trouble lol
I see you now :D is your works pc at home or at a place of work, just incase you decide to use it if work would be ok if you did, don't want to get in trouble lol

excellent! my work pc is at work and cant get to it till a week Monday so to help out for the time being ive done my home one till then :)

my home is the I7 950 @ 4ghz
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