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Help Needed: Skynet CPU challenge

170K behind now :(

got another 4 core running so thats 12 now :)

Does it mak a lot of difference if overclocked or not...guessing it will :)

8 running at 4.6GHz (2600K) and 4 running at 4.5GHz (3570K) :)

Good excuse to get the 2nd rig stability tested as its just wrong running it at stock :)
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all you guys who have just joined should stick around even once this challenge has finished, ocuk folding team works with both cpu & gpus so if you have a gpu which you all seem to have decent gpus, would be pretty good :cool:

as a lot of people have switched over to the skynet challenge we are down on power but everybody has kept there GPUs folding.

might do...but the gpus are getting on a bit now but still fine for what i play...tho a pair of 970s is sooo tempting i will resist till i actually need the uprade.

Wife will appreciate the extra heating from them though :)
Will look at doing this tomorrow as my PC will be virtually unused for at least the next fortnight ... Might even chuck my little server at it .

Can this then be used as a benchmark or am I interpreting it wrong ? I don't mind contributing the resources , information for me is just cream .

AMD 5150 & i7 5820k to chuck in , can this be done using an IPAD ? ,
nicky yup you've now joined :)

masteroc - I guess you could use it like other programs to stress test? as it will use as many cpu cores you allow it to
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cheers ozaudio pleased i am able to help i am chucking full cpu and full gpu when system is idle mate currently running it off my dads net with 152Mb/s down and 12MB/s upload hope this helps

My dad has just asked me to add his computer am i able to have 2 computers running simultaneously together if so how would i do it
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nicky yup you've now joined :)

masteroc - I guess you could use it like other programs to stress test? as it will use as many cpu cores you allow it to

Good enough for me guess I could use it for a long term stability test

5820k Added. Make sure im in but seems to be running tasks ''master''

EDIT : on sky net page it says ive joined etc , can see me , but says im contributing 0.0gflops ? that's not right .. I take it , it isn't realtime ? :/
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Ahh must take a little while to update ... It's bin going for about 2 - 3 hours now . So I take it in theory the faster each core the faster the calculations ( I know that sounds obvious ) but would running a higher frequency turn out quicker than stock or does it not matter ? As I'm looking at the graph and could actually make a meaningful set of results over different CPUs etc providing I do each for long enough ... Hmmm this is all very intresting , more so the actual science behind it lol
cpu speed but also how many cores you have as each core gets its own work unit , so you for example a 6 core cpu but it shows as 12 processors so youll get 12 work units, if you can over clock your cpu , give it a go if like your cpu is 3.3 stock I think? you should manage 4.0 fairly easy?

how many hours per day are you able to let the program run?
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