yeah i had to change from 1.1 to 1.2.... unfortunatly mine does a loud popping noise and cuts signal for a second so looks like i will switch cables and if not it will be a return for this one. Other than that when it's working it does look damn nice

Is it only popping when connecting the dp to the connection on the monitor or are you getting it when connected it to gfx card as I'm sure I've had it when either connecting to both
Mine does the popping when the signal gets cut. Could be the speakers making the sound. Have not spent too long figuring o
It out yet. What cards do people have who are suffering the signal problem? 290's here. Since it is more than just me I think I can assume it's not a cable problem anyway.
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I've asked the question on the Asus monitor forum to see if anyone else has an issue. And let oc know via webnote
As early adopters of these I hope it's not a first batch revision 1 problem as for £600 a pop excuse the pun I will be miffed :)
Consider it proof of concept... A fully working one will cost us more ;-). Hard the believe it's this common though since I doubt many have been sold. I need to learn my lesson. Straight from 290x black screen issues to monitor issues. I need to stop buying things on release day
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Hi Guys

I have not come across this issue yet but delpy8 has alerted me to this thread. If anyone has any update or gets through to Asus please let me know

The popping and signal cuts are linked my guess is it could be the internal speaker doing the popping when it loses signal. I will have more of a play around tonight to see if I can figure it out. And since we have ruled out cabling and cards pretty much since both amd and nvidia cards have it.... Not looking good
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Mines going back, Asus UK is arranging everything for me so pleased about that.

Hoping it's not a issue with the first batch of monitors.
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