Heroes of the Storm

Sure. Doing something atm but I'll add some things to it later.

To lend a hand, here is everyone who has posted in this thread so far:

Woogie - woogie#2386
Kalexuz - Kalexuz#2375
Blame - blame#2106
dr_volki - soarem#2550
Shamikebab - Shamikebab#2191
LoopyOrc - Mada#2462
WiZZyWiGG - WiZZyWiGG#2985

At least I think I got everyone :)
Finally got my Nova master skin! Looks sweet IMO :).

Nova Master Skin.jpg

If anyone is interested in how long it takes to get lvl10, took me around ¬45games with stimpack bonus (+100%XP) and roughly 65% win rate. I think around 5 of those games were also with the friend bonus (+50%XP).

One thing I'm not sure if I like is that you have also pay 10k gold to get the skin after you get the level!

Also, you can put me on the list as well, PhoenixUK#2160.

A decent group will be nice :), I'm quite surprised my win rate is so high considering the amount of pillocks and DC/Lag/AFK I've been getting!
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I now really wish I had bought the nexus bundle at start! Spent already around £20 on a few heroes from there and despite thinking earlier that I wouldn't like most of them, after trying them out in a normal game (free rotation) I found out all of them can be really good!

Now I've got half of the heroes in the bundle so it's not worth it :(. Wish they did a discount for ppl who already own some of them.

Also, played my few first ranked games yesterday and oh god, how people could have made it to level 30, have bought 10 different heroes and still not a single clue of the map mechanics is beyond me! :).
dabbled in online games the last few days.
lose more than I win, but I don't mind.

only thing is me and few mates always seem to lose the deciding 5v5 battles :(
Got in the beta last night and just having a go now, not really played a MOBA before but the concept seems easy enough but no doubt hard to master.

Pugging it is always a nightmare.

Anyway if anyone wants a few games and doesn't mind a noob then feel free add me, can do voice comms from tomorrow onwards as my new mic will be delivered being as the old one broke.

Anyway username is: SegaMegaDave#2758
this game worth a shot? like above ive never played a moba before but i got in the beta. (really wish they would have given me a code though as i have a friend who is not in and a big sc2 player so would rather him have it and get use rather than me who might not play so much)
this game worth a shot? like above ive never played a moba before but i got in the beta. (really wish they would have given me a code though as i have a friend who is not in and a big sc2 player so would rather him have it and get use rather than me who might not play so much)

If you have it, just give it a go :)

Its hard to know if you will like MOBAs, best bet is to have some games via the AI and see what you think.
I didn't think I would like it but i am doing, i played very very little of DOTA (less than an hour) and it was too much for me to be arsed with.

This is a lot easier to get into but a good organised squad will do very well.
1 game away from 10k gold which isn't too bad being as i only started playing yesterday.

Still good fun and losses don't feel too bad. Pugging is just so hit and miss, been in a few games where everyone works together. Then other games where people ignore everything you say and just try to brawl with the other team all game. As expected it always ends in a loss.
nazeebo is awesome, i ignored him but have just gone to level 5 for gold and I am so impressed. uther next!
Not been on much in the last week as I have had a few other games to play (Dragon Age Inquisition, Dying Light and now Total War:Atilla with Cities Skylines soon)

Am away this weekend but should be on next week. If anyone uses Skype add me there as well (Woogieuk) and badger me there as I am not always signed into Battlenet
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