Heroic passengers stop somalian's deportation!!!

It's ridiculous how people think that they are above the legal system. Surely they should be found guilty of contempt of court or the like.

Also, this whole silly scenario could have been avoided if the officers had just told them he was a convicted gang rapist. So much for the data protection act.

I dunno ifhetold them I could see them demanding he be removed as they don't want to share a flig hr with a rapist
Read the post I quoted asking for a link to. Now read/watch the link you’ve supplied. Is there any mention in that link that the person being deported had raped any family members of person protesting against the deportation?

I think he meant the deportee attacked his own family not hers.

Because the post you just told him to read says "his" family not hers
Read the post I quoted asking for a link to. Now read/watch the link you’ve supplied. Is there any mention in that link that the person being deported had raped any family members of person protesting against the deportation?

I never said he did. Or that I was applying that he did. I just gave you a link so that you could make up your own mind?
There was 2 people on the plane being deported. A 52-year-old guy that was a POS and a younger guy, that got all the press but wasn't even on the plane. (the one she got pissy about i can only assume)
The younger guy was taking chances trying to get asylum in Germany too cos Sweden was being slow. Something like that, it's all a bit BS too. Pretty standard immigrant stuff from what i see.

Mannen som Elin "räddade" från utvisning dömd för misshandel i Sverige
Publicerad 27 juli 2018 kl 09.45
INRIKES. Den 52-årige man som vänsteraktivisten Elin Ersson tillfälligt stoppade från att utvisas i måndags är en dömd brottsling. Det bekräftar polisen för Fria Tider.

Gilla artikeln på Facebook
Elin och afghanen

Det var i måndags kväll som ett passagerarplan på Landvetter försenades med flera timmar efter att en 21-årig kvinnlig asylaktivist vägrade sätta sig ner när planet skulle lyfta.

Detta för att stoppa utvisningen av en afghansk man.

Kvinnan, som själv filmade händelsen och publicerade det på Facebook, har efter händelsen blivit en världsnyhet.

I klippet gråter den svenska kvinnan och säger att mannen kommer "dö" om han skickas hem eftersom det "är krig" i Afghanistan.

Mannen som kvinnan egentligen ville "rädda" var en 26-årig afghan vid namn Ismail Khawari, men han var inte med på det aktuella planet.

Det var dock den 52-årige mannen, som till **** togs av planet.

Nu framkommer uppgifter i media om att han är en dömd brottsling.

Enligt Helsingin Sanomat har han fått ett fängelsestraff i Sverige för misshandel. Tidningen skriver även att hans asylansökan avslagits och att han skulle utvisas till Afghanistan. Han ska ännu utvisas, men när är oklart.

– Jag hade ingen information om honom tidigare och har inte tagit reda på något efteråt. Det var honom som människa som jag försökte hjälpa, och inte fokusera på vad han tidigare hade gjort i sitt liv. Det var mitt personliga beslut, säger Elin Ersson till Dagens Nyheter, som också skriver att han dömts till fängelse.

Hanif Bali hävdar på Twitter att mannen är dömd till två års fängelse och utvisning på grund av misshandel.

Fria Tider ringde till polisen, som bekräftar att mannen är dömd för misshandel. Dock ska han inte ha utvisats på grund av misshandeln, enligt polisen.

– Han är dömd för misshandel. Han har avtjänat ett straff. Jag vet inte om den var grov. Straffet var avtjänat och han skulle visas ut, men han var inte brottsutvisad, säger Ewa-Gun Westford, presstalesperson på polisen region Syd, till Fria Tider men kan inte säga hur långt straff mannen fick.

– För polisens del är utredningen sedan länge sedan klar och överlämnat till åklagare som åtalat. Det är Migrationsverket som fattat beslut om utvisning, och sedan överlämnar de ärendet till polismyndigheten för handräckning.

Enligt polisen är sekretessen extra strikt när det gäller personer som ska utvisas. Några uppgifter om vid vilken tingsrätt mannen är dömd, vilket målnummer domen har eller vad mannen heter, får vi inte.

Enligt uppgifter till Nyheter Idag är 52-åringen ännu kvar på förvaret i Sverige och har inte utvisats än.

thye older guy was a wife beater essentially, no one raped anyone.
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I read it a while ago on various swedish sites using google translate (Obviously translations were not perfect), not family rape or anything.

Apparently the charge was due to beating his wife/kid. The sentence was also considered "unsually long" for assault. Which possibly indicates the somewhat serious nature of what he did....

Either way, the guy was a scumbag clearly. We also know how aggresively Sweden censor any media that speak out against immigrants/migrants.

Bottom line is..... LOL at defending a convicted criminal who failed his asylum seeker application so you can score twitter brownie points. Whats also worse is this story.... it's happened again.
Lmao... This is just the icing on the cake. Well played, NPCs. Collectively they will bring down this entire continent in the name of virtue signalling.
I think he meant the deportee attacked his own family not hers.

Because the post you just told him to read says "his" family not hers
ahh makes more sense now - working off of about 3hrs sleep makes for a lazy brain. though i can find no reference in multiple sources for rape, only assault.
I never said he did. Or that I was applying that he did. I just gave you a link so that you could make up your own mind?
you posted a link for the sake of posting a link. admittedly i misread the post i originally quoted (i read it as the deportee had raped a family member of the person trying to block his deportation) but that stupidity on my part aside. there's nothing to indicate rape of anyone in the posts/links related to this Swedish incident.
What the hell is wrong with you?
to be honest i'd put that dude on the plane with the somali that's being deported. what an utterly vile post to make and duly reported. i've read some pretty ****** posts over the years in GD......but wishing rape on children is clear favourite for worst post ever. personally i'd permaban that account.
you posted a link for the sake of posting a link. admittedly i misread the post i originally quoted (i read it as the deportee had raped a family member of the person trying to block his deportation) but that stupidity on my part aside. there's nothing to indicate rape of anyone in the posts/links related to this Swedish incident.

I never said he did rape anyone. You just assumed that from my link. And Yes I could have made it more clear by posting a comment of my own. That was a mistake I'll admit.
It's ridiculous how people think that they are above the legal system. Surely they should be found guilty of contempt of court or the like.

Also, this whole silly scenario could have been avoided if the officers had just told them he was a convicted gang rapist. So much for the data protection act.

Surely with convictions being a matter of public record, telling the passengers would not have breached the act?
to be honest i'd put that dude on the plane with the somali that's being deported. what an utterly vile post to make and duly reported. i've read some pretty ****** posts over the years in GD......but wishing rape on children is clear favourite for worst post ever. personally i'd permaban that account.

Calm down dear, it's only a commercial.

If you read my post, you'll note the line below.

There we go, you can go back to watch songs of praise.
Thread is misleading they didn't "stop" his deportation did they?

They simply deferred it for a couple weeks. Big deal, at least it shows that humans are still compassionate, also that they are ignorant at the same time I guess. :p
I never said he did rape anyone. You just assumed that from my link. And Yes I could have made it more clear by posting a comment of my own. That was a mistake I'll admit.
i'd already read that link a few posts earlier and it seemed to have nowt to do with the post i quoted asking for a link. think we both got our wires crossed a tad! my apologies.
Calm down dear, it's only a commercial.

If you read my post, you'll note the line below.

There we go, you can go back to watch songs of praise.
i did note the line below. and it's irrelevant. your post was sick and totally unneeded.

why would you think i watch songs of praise? is that what people who find 'jokes' about wishing rape on children unacceptably sick watch?
Sjws making up their minds without the requirements of evidence?

Kavanaugh was at the receiving end of this as well.
ahh makes more sense now - working off of about 3hrs sleep makes for a lazy brain. though i can find no reference in multiple sources for rape, only assault.

No I think that poster is mistaken.

As far as I'm aware its just an assault thing.

Still he should be deported. No country should be keeping forgien criminals thwyre the one group you can actually permantley remove with relative ease unlike domestic types
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