Hillsborough Disaster

Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
"Always the victim. It's never your fault."

I could make it out quite easily. It was sung around the time of the last Hillsborough anniversary too.

Apparently - from reading what fans who were at the game are saying on Twitter - that is sung every week and it has nothing to do with Hillsborough.
4 Jan 2011
Apparently - from reading what fans who were at the game are saying on Twitter - that is sung every week and it has nothing to do with Hillsborough.

Is it to do with Evra then Robbo? Because it was sang(sung?) long before then. (I know you probably think it isn't to do with Hillsborough/Heysel chants as you aren't one of those scum but don't be fooled into thinking it isn't.)
Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
I'm not making excuses at all, just writing what certain people have said. Why would they even admit to it to begin with? Utterly odd.

Is it to do with Evra then Robbo? Because it was sang(sung?) long before then. (I know you probably think it isn't to do with Hillsborough/Heysel chants as you aren't one of those scum but don't be fooled into thinking it isn't.)

That appears to be the defence people are using, but as you say, I don't buy it.
9 Jun 2004
Just to be clear and I've said this whenever these types of discussions come about - I don't blame or hold anything against Utd or their fans as a whole for these chants. It's a sad fact of life that there will always be morons (at every club) that simply want to cause offense and there's nothing that can be done about it. It's unfortunate that on occasions, mob mentality that you get at football grounds, mean these morons get followed by a few sheep too.
4 Jan 2011
Would be nice for FA to ban Liverpool fans from OT and vice versa next time it happens. They'd do it if the whole crowd was being racist.
Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
Just to be clear and I've said this whenever these types of discussions come about - I don't blame or hold anything against Utd or their fans as a whole for these chants. It's a sad fact of life that there will always be morons (at every club) that simply want to cause offense and there's nothing that can be done about it. It's unfortunate that on occasions, mob mentality that you get at football grounds, mean these morons get followed by a few sheep too.

Why do you say nothing can be done about it? Surely, with the technology available these days, the idiots could be identified and banned from the ground. Even if they don't start it, joining in is just as ridiculous and can't be excused.
9 Jun 2004
Why do you say nothing can be done about it? Surely, with the technology available these days, the idiots could be identified and banned from the ground. Even if they don't start it, joining in is just as ridiculous and can't be excused.

You can keep catching them and banning them but when you've got 10's of 1000's of people in stadiums, there's always going to be 1 idiot.
Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
You can keep catching them and banning them but when you've got 10's of 1000's of people in stadiums, there's always going to be 1 idiot.

Indeed, but if people know not to start joining in and singing (by paying more attention), it would help to stop it to some extent at least.
29 Dec 2004
Is it to do with Evra then Robbo? Because it was sang(sung?) long before then. (I know you probably think it isn't to do with Hillsborough/Heysel chants as you aren't one of those scum but don't be fooled into thinking it isn't.)

It's a crass and inappropriate chant, but I also don't remember it being sung prior to the Suarez incident. If you have sources that suggest otherwise then, by all means, I'm happy to be corrected.
9 Jun 2004
It's a crass and inappropriate chant, but I also don't remember it being sung prior to the Suarez incident. If you have sources that suggest otherwise then, by all means, I'm happy to be corrected.

So this song is referring to the Suarez incident? Sung today when we're not playing you and there's nothing in the press relating to the Suarez incident? :o

It's referring to Hillsborough. You know it and so do I. As I mentioned earlier, it was sung at the time of the Hillsborough anniversary too. I imagine that the only reason why it didn't get picked up on then was because the chants and booing from the Chelsea fans the same weekend, took most of the media's attention.
4 Jan 2011
It's a crass and inappropriate chant, but I also don't remember it being sung prior to the Suarez incident. If you have sources that suggest otherwise then, by all means, I'm happy to be corrected.

Yes, me, I heard it.

Had it been sang after as a 'disguised' hillsborough/heysel chant its would be just as bad if not worse thinking they were being snide little ***** about it.

**** topic and the thread is unfortunately now in an awful tone after what has been achieved by the Liverpool supporters and everyone else who helped prove the truth once and for all.
17 Nov 2004
The Republic
Don't give me that bs Robbo. It's very clear what's being referred to when that's being sung.

So if it was about Hillsborough and Hillsborough alone then it makes the tools who sung it to be even more bigots and idiots then.

I think it was ill timed, insensitive and crass for those that did it today.

We could go on about idiots at our respective clubs who tarnish the good name of our clubs despite the rivalry. I suspect the best intentions of high profile people at both clubs, the easy shot will always be Hillsborough/Munich and not a lot will change that.
9 Jun 2004
I agree and as above, anything said regarding these chants isn't aimed at Utd or Utd fans as a whole but the minority of idiots that sing them.

I think you've touched on it before, the second the whistle blows, something changes in the mind of a section of fans and they believe it's ok to sing and chant certain things. I've seen it first hand at Liverpool - Everton matches. Before the match, at half tiem and after the game you've got friends (possibly family members) shouting back and forth to each other, arranging what they're going to do later that night, but during the match these very same people are slinging insults at each other.
2 Feb 2011
I agree and as above, anything said regarding these chants isn't aimed at Utd or Utd fans as a whole but the minority of idiots that sing them.

I think you've touched on it before, the second the whistle blows, something changes in the mind of a section of fans and they believe it's ok to sing and chant certain things. I've seen it first hand at Liverpool - Everton matches. Before the match, at half tiem and after the game you've got friends (possibly family members) shouting back and forth to each other, arranging what they're going to do later that night, but during the match these very same people are slinging insults at each other.

That's 'banter' for you. Some people take it further than others...
29 Dec 2004
So this song is referring to the Suarez incident? Sung today when we're not playing you and there's nothing in the press relating to the Suarez incident? :o

It's referring to Hillsborough. You know it and so do I. As I mentioned earlier, it was sung at the time of the Hillsborough anniversary too. I imagine that the only reason why it didn't get picked up on then was because the chants and booing from the Chelsea fans the same weekend, took most of the media's attention.

That's not what I said at all, come on. I said the song seemed to ORIGINATE at that time but clearly has significance beyond Suarez. It was inappropriate before and even worse in light of this week's events.
9 Jun 2004
Tonight at 00.05 on ITV3 there's a docu-drama about Hillsborough that's well worth watching (or recording and watching later if you can't watch it tonight).

That's not what I said at all, come on. I said the song seemed to ORIGINATE at that time but clearly has significance beyond Suarez. It was inappropriate before and even worse in light of this week's events.

If you were simply commenting on the time it originated then I apologise. I'm not sure why that would be relevant though. The only relevant factor I can think of is the meaning behind the chant and why it was sung specifically today.
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29 Dec 2004
If you were simply commenting on the time it originated then I apologise. I'm not sure why that would be relevant though. The only relevant factor I can think of is the meaning behind the chant and why it was sung specifically today.

I was and it was more a point of curiosity because unlike Purdy I don't recall hearing the chant prior to last season and Google seems to agree with me. Other than that point there is little to debate because it is undoubtedly a moronic thing to chant.
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