Gilly said:Talib Kweli is one I've listened to a fair bit in the office. Rythmic beats but definitely hip-hop.
Even got a myspace!
Kinda reminds me of Jay-Z but good.
ooh ooh...listen to Hi-Tek. stat
Gilly said:Talib Kweli is one I've listened to a fair bit in the office. Rythmic beats but definitely hip-hop.
Even got a myspace!
Kinda reminds me of Jay-Z but good.
I agree with you totally, virtually all my friends like Metal, Indie etc. and even mentioning some sort of Hip-Hop to them i just get slated, so many people dislike it yet it is the highest selling genre of music, thinking that its popular Worldwide, maybe America more then good ol`England?Sic said:i really dislike the stigma attached to hip hop. it might be my favourite genre of music, but if you ever say that, people look at you like a total mongoloid!!
friddela said:Eminem, i don't think i have met ANYONE that doesn't enjoy at leat one of his songs.
Sic said:sell your DJ Yoda CDs to make room/money for decent hip hop![]()
panthro said:Grime is definitely not hip hop.
PS: I was a little harsh in my last post Razur.
sara said:BUT then I saw a documentary on late night C4 (I think) over Christmas hols about the emergence of hip hop from parties in the Bronx, how one DJ (I forget which one) realised there was a certain part in nearly every record where the song breaks down for a bit, and it gets really lively - and people dancing went nuts for it....................................................................
No I don't think I am close-minded, I did say that I'd like to be proved wrong by listening to the less mainstream music, but by definition everything I've heard is the commercial stuff (else the underground stuff wouldn't be underground) and I don't like it.Arcade Fire said:That's your opinion, and you're entitled to it, but it makes you seem close-minded and ultimately very stupid.
G|mp said:Holy moley its the Nigerian Tim Westwood![]()
Fo shizzle foo
Woah, holy necropostIceberg2 said:lol I am nigerian![]()