Is anyone aware of some good beginners guides?
I have zero programming ability and HA is beating me somewhat. Ive managed to set up the HA Green, added the automatically discovered items (Sonos, Ring Doorbell, weather). I've also managed to connect to some stuff manually (integrated a shared google calendar via API, Hive Thermostat, Octopus data from the smart meter), got HACs installed etc. But the fine tuning is beyond me.
For example, the Sonos cards show up one for every device, which is 5 seperate cards for 5 seperate Sonos speakers. I cant work out how to combine them, or how to google that.
Another example, ive flicked through the wiki for installing a better looking dashboard and it tells me to add lines to the YAML, but one of the YAMLs doesnt exist and the other, i dont really understand where to add the line. I just put it in randomly but things dont appear to change.
Additionaly for the Google Calendar it shows up, but only on a tiny card. I cant see how to make it bigger on a seperate page on the dashboard. If i add it to a second page, its still tiny.
The biggest one is bluetooth. The list of compatible devices is a bunch of generic chinese adapters, none of which show actual model numbers on Amazon etc. I bought one randomly by Ugreen that looks similar to some in the list. It appears to be "installed" fine on HA, but cannot discover my Govee lights and i have no idea if its the adapter or the lights or something else
I understand that im pretty useless but hours and hours trying to find an actual "plug in the box then do this" guide brings up nothing. Most advice is to just figure stuff out, but im here clicking enable and disable on stuff and i have no idea what it does :|
Anyway, any resources are appreciated.