Horizon: Zero Dawn [PS4]

Geez! These Rock Breakers!

I don't know what is the most terrifying. A couple of Fire and Freezing Bellowbacks, a couple of Thunderjaws, a stampede of Chargers and Tramplers thundering towards or from behind you or a couple of Rockbreakers.

3 beasts still to uncover. :eek:

Ohhh! I need to get a new ride on one of those Chargers.
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Geez! These Rock Breakers!

I don't know what is the most terrifying. A couple of Fire and Freezing Bellowbacks, a couple of Thunderjaws, a stampede of Chargers and Tramplers thundering towards or from behind you or a couple of Rockbreakers.

3 beasts still to uncover. :eek:

Ohhh! I need to get a new ride on one of those Chargers.

Seeing my first thunderjaw, I was like, holy ****. This thing... it was jaw dropping to be honest, the actual size of it ! I couldn't imagine taking two on, on very hard ! I hope they up the scale again for the next game. :D

The rock breaker was a little.. underwhelming. (And the fact I was pretty much stuck under neath one when it jump attacked me lol :rolleyes:

Edit. Even a herd of tramplers is pretty daunting. Especially if they all spot you. :D (over ride one and watch all hell break loose :D)
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Seeing my first thunderjaw, I was like, holy ****. This thing... it was jaw dropping to be honest, the actual size of it ! I couldn't imagine taking two on, on very hard ! I hope they up the scale again for the next game. :D

The rock breaker was a little.. underwhelming. (And the fact I was pretty much stuck under neath one when it jump attacked me lol :rolleyes:

Edit. Even a herd of tramplers is pretty daunting. Especially if they all spot you. :D (over ride one and watch all hell break loose :D)

Surely a Titan in the next game.
I think those things are the most difficult enemies in the game. They're super annoying :mad:

Their health bar is even bigger than the Thunderjaws. :o

I was shocked how far away they were when two of them spotted me. I saw a glimpse for a split second for one of them then turned around and wondered what the hell. Nothing was there. Next two popped up looking like Zuel then throwing rocks/boulders at me what looked 500 - 600 yards.

Then I came across that other scary beast. Looks like a rhino? Behemoth? Scary when it sticks its head in the ground then started firing the debris so hard.

Also saw 3 Stalkers guarding a Cauldron. :o
Came across what seems to be a bug a few days ago and forgot to mention it.

Post game completion if you have 100% and sell non-required items of your Shadow gear (Weapons or Armour) your 100% stat drops and you will need to re-purchse to get it back up. Guerilla are aware of it though.
The boss fights seem much easier on my second playthrough. I upped the difficulty from normal to hard and the bosses are not really a problem. Must be the way I've learned to knock things off instead of just shooting at the body.
Its amazing how things change when you get 700hp (Lv50) and ALL the skills. Whereas I once feared TJ's, I found myself meleeing it one to death last night after freezing it. Stalkers and Longlegs too - Hard melee the buggers to put them in a stun, Crit them and rinse and repeat (sort of). Glinthawks fall in 1-2 fire arrows so you can get close for melee with those.

As for Rockbreakers though...urgh!
It's that armour also. It's pretty over powered lol. I fear nothing now, just under level 50. I kind of toy with them.
Yes!! I finally brought down the thunder jaw in the zeta cauldron. Many thanks for your help. Man it was tough. I used lots of explosive wire and freeze arrows and tear blasts. And of course the disc thrower it dropped. Woo exhilarating lol.
I remember seeing the Deathbringer for the first time. (actually hearing first) and thinking....oh ****

The Rockbreakers though....by far the most annoying.
Any tips for beating the bellowback in cauldron sigma on very hard difficulty? Am I to low level at 19?

EDIT: Never mind just done it, forgot I had resist fire potions.
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Any tips for beating the bellowback in cauldron sigma on very hard difficulty? Am I to low level at 19?

Unless you're really good and fast, lay the explosives so it turns right and falls into them. I put the trip wires around its entrance. Hammer its rear sack with those hard arrows. Its a fast sucker on very hard.

Don't hold the arrows long. If at all. It'll slow you down and destroy your surrounding awareness. Keep mashing the hard arrows into the sack.

I'm not entering another cauldron until I'm fairly high up.

Its how I felt facing that damn Bellowback as the machine ridges on the floor kept slowing me down as it ran for me.

I did also find a very very cheeky cheat... where nothing will hit you. Its probably known? I copied my save file to replay it. I only accidentally came across it surveying the area by accident. Didn't think it was possible or supposed to happen.
Unless you're really good and fast, lay the explosives so it turns right and falls into them. I put the trip wires around its entrance. Hammer its rear sack with those hard arrows. Its a fast sucker on very hard.

Don't hold the arrows long. If at all. It'll slow you down and destroy your surrounding awareness. Keep mashing the hard arrows into the sack.

I'm not entering another cauldron until I'm fairly high up.

Its how I felt facing that damn Bellowback as the machine ridges on the floor kept slowing me down as it ran for me.

I did also find a very very cheeky cheat... where nothing will hit you. Its probably known? I copied my save file to replay it. I only accidentally came across it surveying the area by accident. Didn't think it was possible or supposed to happen.

Thanks for that I feel bad you writing all that when I'd just done it in the time between my post and yours.
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