Horizon Zero Dawn

I enjoying it, graphics are decent, performance is decent, I'm loving the whole "advanced civilization before us" sort of vibe. Its not on a par with the recent AC games for me, not quite as polished, but its an older game and Im somewhat biased when it comes to AC anyway. More than happy with my purchase though and its making a good arpg filler for me until AC Valhalla.
Recently made it to the rainforest type area. My goodness it looks fantastic at night with the moon shining through the trees and onto the vegetation.

Love the cauldrons. They continue to surprise. It’s great that they aren’t a copy and paste job. Everything is beautifully crafted.

It also has surprisingly decent reviews on steam given the performance issues, was expecting worse than 60% or so which says a lot about the game itself. If they can fix those problems it’ll shine.

I’m enjoying the strategic element more than I thought I would and upgrading weapons massively helps the experience, as do skills focussing on never running out of resources. The sharpshooter bow was an essential buy imo. M & KB was a great suggestion too.

Also, taking over machines and turning them into allies never gets old.
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Is it just me or is the benchmark horrible looking even at ultimate quality? It's all jaggy and the textures are not sharp, makes me wonder if it was really using the graphics settings I choose.

What resolution?

On mine it the game always starts at 1080p even though the resolution in the menu shows 3840x2160

Have to alt-tab to get it to the right resolution.
It's taking me a while to get it looking decent. I've got an pretty old PC so I cannot complain to much. Kind of hitting 45ish fps but it's not to bad. I've only had a single crash also. As for the game itself. It really is fantastic. The variety of the creatures and the combat is superb. I quite often listen to Giantbomb podcasts going back and forth from work and I remember it didn't even make their top 10 that year. I don't know how that can even be possible.
I had one crash when I first started the game. Frame rate on my 2060 rtx laptop isn't bad at 1080 on high settings. Can play it on ultra but it does slow down a bit here and there.

I didn't know what the expect going into the game but I am happily surprised :)
Waiting a few weeks for them to fix the game before buying this. Completed this on the PS4 when it came out so looking forward to a proper experience on a proper machine.
Waiting a few weeks for them to fix the game before buying this. Completed this on the PS4 when it came out so looking forward to a proper experience on a proper machine.

I'll get it if the devs patch out the requirement for an AVX equipped chip.

Otherwise it'll have to wait until I upgrade to an AMD 5 series CPU, couple of years I guess. :)
I really want this but think I'll finish what I have before I do and hopefully by then a few patches have dropped and everything is ironed out, that and its far too hot to game right now
The game runs well for me at 1440. I'm around 2 hours in and I've not suffered a crash.

The game isn't as immersive as I'd have hoped but it's still early days.
The performance seems to improve each time I play it for some reason

Afterburner is reporting a steady 57 FPS at 1440 with a 5930k and Titan Xp, 32GB RAM. Playing on LG 60” TV so obviously frame rate capped at 60
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