How about a Linux gallery?

Installed Crunchbang on my netbook and have been arsing about with openbox for the last few hours :)
Thanks go to Hairybudda as I nicked most of his tint2rc :D

A pretty clean install of Debian 6. Nothing special; I don't tend to tinker with the desktop that much.

The wallpaper changes every 10 seconds or so. :)

A pretty clean install of Debian 6. Nothing special; I don't tend to tinker with the desktop that much.

The wallpaper changes every 10 seconds or so. :)

Edit: removed pic

what script do you use to change wallpaper?
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Hmm, is that Subtle? Hard to tell with all the tiling WMs around, somebody said to me when i asked why there were so many that "it's like a right of passage, when you've used GNU/Linux for more than a year - to create a WM" :p
I've tried just about every distro this weekend, ended up back on ubuntu after having some problems with some, though I do like xubuntu.

Theme is Orta, gradient removed on panel:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nikount/orta-desktop
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install orta-theme orta-emerald-decorators

Icons are Faenza *edit* now using Faenza variants (see deviantart):

Original Faneza below:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tiheum/equinox
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install faenza-icon-theme

Wallpaper is Gnome 3 stripes, slightly modified to remove inch thick stripe on right hand side.

Dock is of course docky :)

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