how common is it for a 360 to die?

I've had my Premium (HDMI falcon 65nm yadda yadda) for 4 months and it just red ringed. Xbox Support are being rubbish getting the postage labels to me though :(

Mine just red ringed and as it is my third repair they sent me a box for express delivery. They said the turn around is 7 days as it is the third repair.
My launch RROD, the 33% figure was probably about right for those units.

Now that they have released the Falcon I think it seems to have dropped considerably. My 360 that got replaced before the Falcon still scratches my discs and I might take it back to the store (I had a 3 year guarantee) to replace it with a Falcon.

If I do that though the DRM system buggers my accounts again and I'll have to be on the phone to MS about 20 times.
Luck of the draw in all honesty. Still on my 1st from Dec05 and its still going strong. Be happy it's a great console, if it fails you have 3 years warranty with regards RROD.

Does it not concern you that yours will be out of warranty then in December this year? It would me and I would even want it to red ring so that I could send it for repair/replacement before it expires tbh.
Always find this an interesting subject. Got mine on release day, failed the next but MS had a new one at my door within 72 hours. That machine is still fighting fit to this day, and that includes 4 house moves, my daughter attacking it more than once, frequent travelling and heavy use.

Some of its down to luck I guess, but I think a lot of times these things die that the user is somewhat responsible. Without a decent amount of space around it (and the PSU where possible) your asking for trouble with the 360. I also think that having the machine 'standing' is another reason for there being reliability issues.

Then again, maybe Im just lucky to have a used and abused 360 thats over 2 years old now and having no problems. But sometimes I feel like Im the only person not to be on more 360's than I have fingers on one hand ;)
I've had my Premium (HDMI falcon 65nm yadda yadda) for 4 months and it just red ringed. Xbox Support are being rubbish getting the postage labels to me though :(

take it back to the store you got it from then if its 4 months old, you've 12 months warranty that the store is responsible for too.
had mine for about a year and a half and broke once, disc reading errors. Toke it back to *competitor* got crap from the guy told him if he didn't replace it right there and then I was going to trading standards, was still in its warrenty aswell, I walked out with a brand new xbox with old hard drive included. :)
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