If a filter is done correctly and safely how is as you put it ****ing off other road users?
Same way it
****s them off when cars forcefully overtake just to get one space ahead.
A bunch of vehicles, sure - THAT is progress. One or two is just willy waving and pointless auto-filtering, which is the issue that was raised.
Once I get past those two cars there will be more cars up ahead to filter past also
Re-read what I wrote again about auto-filtering in SOLID TRAFFIC... FFS!!!
if you sit back behind two cars for no reason you are just making your journey unnecessarily longer.
Whereas if you filter past 2 cars at the lights, you can BLAZE away at MAX SPEED for a whole 15 yards, before having to come to a complete stop and then sit in traffic that you CANNOT filter past without riding into an oncoming vehicle.... Congratulations, you have saved 3 whole seconds on your otherwise torturously long journey... Woohoo, progress.
if you are not going to filter then you are contributing to congestion and traffic
If that were the main reason to have a bike, they'd teach you filtering from CBT, surely?
Got four bike schools round here, none of which do anything of the sort and I've yet to meet a single biker who was taught to filter before passing their full test... Most know you *can* filter even on the test, but it's not actually taught.
So what your two instructors said is gospel?
Should be, yes... Given that the examiners concur and they are the ones who'll fail you if they so deem it, yes, they should be talking gospel and I've no reason to question them. More so with the one who was a Police M/C instructor on top.
If you filter safely it IS making progress, theres no other word for it lol, your not making backward progress or hindering yourself or anyone else.
Many vehicles, yes. Clear road ahead, yes.
2 vehicles, with no further progression possible, no. It's barely more than riding the clutch and creeping forward a few inches.
How can you upset car drivers if you just filter past 2 or 3 to get to the front?
As mentioned above.
They can't see whether you've come from 2 or 100 cars from behind?
Wanna bet?
You'll be off and gone long before they put their cars into first gear anyway
Again, re-read my earlier posts - Gone where? You have 15 yards before you and can only get in front of the car you just went around.
They will pull off slower than you bike, so on pull off you've already made progress over them. If you're behind them for a few traffic lights, roundabouts, etc. then all that adds up
In many cases, you'd be lucky to save 2 minutes.
There's a good chance they'll drive slower than the speed limit
Oh really?
Doesn't matter if I'm doing 60 or 160, there's usually some
**** in a BMW trying to go faster than me...
If you've ridden with another person who decides to filter passed a couple of cars & you stick behind those cars, you will see the difference in progress.
I see that 'difference' almost every day with several bikes that share my commute... After 20-25 minutes of riding, those that filtered past the small bits usually end up about 4 cars ahead of me. Woohoo, progress.