How do you get rid of acne?

Tbh i think the sort of tabs they'll shove you on at the docs will be more effective than any wash as it'll more often than not stop them appearing in the first place, but its better to do it in conjunction with washing often anyway obviously!
I still suffer with mild acne but I've found Apple Cider Vinegar is helping a lot. Get the stuff from the supermarket, make sure it's the Organic. I both drink it and apply it as a toner.

Basically what i've done to see improvements is;

1: Drink 2 tablespoons of AVC morning and night, also soak your face in warm water, then apply the AVC as toner, both morning and night.

2: Started taking Sunflower Oil + Multivitamin tablets.

3: Drink more water + use organic milk (apparently hormones in normal milk promote acne)

But yes, that's about it, good luck, acne is a pain in the ass, i know! has literally the best way of getting rid of spots ive seen without going on roacutane. Ive been on roacutane TWICE now and sure it cleared my skin up after a good 2 months or so but they soon come back, not in force mind but still enough to irritate me and not leave. Using panoxyl cream properly, cleaning your pores out properly and taking vitamin and mineral tablets soon sort it all out.

I have to take vitamin B now due to the damage roacutane has done from using it twice over as otherwise if I dont (and my diet doesnt give enough as I dont like the food sources of it lol) my skin gets into a right state.

Best moisturiser to be used with panoxyl cream in my opinion is clean and clear oil free one. Very good quality stuff, leaves skin looking really fresh and healthy looking and counteracts the other creams peeling effect on your top layer of skin which makes it red and itchy.
I still suffer with mild acne but I've found Apple Cider Vinegar is helping a lot. Get the stuff from the supermarket, make sure it's the Organic. I both drink it and apply it as a toner.

Basically what i've done to see improvements is;

1: Drink 2 tablespoons of AVC morning and night, also soak your face in warm water, then apply the AVC as toner, both morning and night.

2: Started taking Sunflower Oil + Multivitamin tablets.

3: Drink more water + use organic milk (apparently hormones in normal milk promote acne)

But yes, that's about it, good luck, acne is a pain in the ass, i know!

You ever tried going to the docs?
Other than the meds im on now, the only time I've ever noticed my skin get a lot better was when I went go abroad 2 greece, swimming in salt water promotes healing pretty well.
I had pretty bad acne from around the age of 16. I went to the doctors and they gave me some tablets called oxytetracycline. I had tried a lot of other things upto this point but none of them worked for me. After the doctor gave me these after a month or so of taking them they started to work, and they worked miles better than anything i'd previously tried. I got them when i was about 17 and have been taking them ever since and im 19 now. My skin is pretty much spot free apart from the odd one ever now and again but i'd say thats just natural really. If nothing else works it might be an idea to ask the doctor for these. Hope that helps.
clean and clear oil free one. Very good quality stuff, leaves skin looking really fresh and healthy looking and counteracts the other creams peeling effect on your top layer of skin which makes it red and itchy.

Yeah it's pretty gd stuff.

Best way:

Wake up > Shower / wash face / moisturise
Evening > wash face / use Duac cream / take Lymcycline capsule.

Should sort your skin out in no time.
Go to you local Doctors.
They will give you Acne Treatment. (usually starts with a liquid/gel type stuff in a small bottle)
You use it morning/bedtime
It basically dries your skin out. (which is what you want to help cure acne)

I did this and acne dissapeared within 5 weeks.
I went to the doctors a while back yeh, I've had acne for 6 or so years, gradually getting better over the years. The doctor gave me some medication which contained Benzoyl Peroxide, it helped somewhat but it made my skin pretty damn dry, pretty much had to moisturize several times a day.

The problem with acne is there's so many theroies and medications it's pretty hard to find the one which works for you, plus the fact yo have to try each type of treatment for at least a month until you see any significant changes.

To be honest, I think my skin looks bad due to red scarring rather than acne, I have 1 or 2 active spots the rest is just red marks.

I agree with you on the salt water, when I was in Oz my skin was fantastic, salt water + an awesome tan and my skin appeared perfectly clear, loved it.

Thing is, all these treatments which have to be applied to the face, there has to be some underlying reasons why people get spots, be it a lack of a certain chemical or whatever, thus I reckon it's more effective to treat it inside out.

I would be tempted to detox for a week then eat only simple food like vegetables and fruit and drink lots of water, and I would imagine I'd see a great improvment, but as I say, I suffer mostly from scarring which will fade with time, hopefully :)

Edit: "It basically dries your skin out. (which is what you want to help cure acne)" - Sorry, but thats a myth, dry skin actually causes more acne, due to the dry dead skin blocking the pores, thus creating perfect conditions for bacteria.
I think it's down to certain hormones and an imbalance in certain people, promoting over production of oils. Why you find it mainly in teenagers/adolescents.
Roaccutane is the best thing for it but it has the side effects and you need to get it prescribed by a dermatologist (And you need regular blood tests to make sure it isn't damaging your liver or something.)

I used it though and it worked for me.

If not that I would reccomend getting some Benzoyl Peroxide cream (2.5%) prescribed from your GP. It does a fairly good job of getting rid of spots, good idea to pair it up with a oil free moisturiser though because it drys out skin pretty badly.

Different skin reacts differently to different products/chemicals so results can never really be guaranteed but when I took Roacuttane I didn't get a spot for about 6months, now after I've finished the course I get them occasionally but no more than the average person.
i had some ridiculous cream of the doctor , it was so strong it made my face go from tanned too white in a few weeks , worked though
after using benzoyl peroxide, clerasil, and all that other crap for years, the thing that eventually cleared my acne was to stop using the lot and to focus on my diet. I was my face the same way but stopped moisturing (only very slighty in the morning every now and then), i try to stay away from that i know 'gives ME acne' (sweets, biscuits, chocolate, cake) and i also drench my salad in olive oil (apparently its good for the skin). My skin hasn't been this good since i was a kid.
I had terrible acne for over 5 years.
Drinking a lot more water helped my skin for some reason. And 3+ washes aday didnt go a miss. Soon enough it cleared right up :)
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