I am about 10-month into a course of anti-biotics called Trimethoprim and it has been working pretty well
Worked well for me to begin with, then stopped working so I was moved on to Erythromycin (sp?) and then Oxytetracyclin (again sp?!). Trimethoprim tastes nasty too
Doctors if you're still having trouble mate, that's the route I had to go. Had everything under the sun they could offer and it still didn't work. In the end I ended up at a dermatologist twice a month, once for bloodtest and then an appointment the following week with the consultant. He prescribed me Roaccutane (horrible stuff). This lasted from September 2005-February 2007.
I strongly recommend that if you're offered Roaccutance, that you
don't take it, the symptons are awful, one of them resulting in depression which has been known to result in teenagers killing themselves.
Granted that this stuff worked, I hated it.
Now I just wash twice a day with warm water, flanel and any face wash - Garnier/Neutrogena etc. As mentioned - diet is important too. Eating crap and drinking crap makes the skin oiley and won't help. Drink plenty of water and eat fruit and veg
Sun does help, so spend all year away lol. Sunbeds were recommended by some people although the dermatologist told me not to, because Roaccutane reacts badly to sunlight (have to use sunblock etc).