How do you get rid of acne?

To be honest just wait it out, and apply a little savlon to any that are bad

I know it sucks as I've been there when I was younger. I wouldn't be in a hurry to go and get drugs from your doctor. I got perscribed some tablets that did actually help, but also made my skin dry - something that continued after finishing with them. In my opinion you simply just have to ride it out.
Acne isn't the same as spots. Acne isn't effected by diet or massively effected by cleanliness.

Really you need to go and see your Dr. and try and get passed onto a Dermatologist.

I had acne fromt he age of 13-20... 6months ago I was covered in spots. Now I don't have a single one!

That's thanks to roacctane, a nasty drug that made me have very dry skin for the 3months I was on the medication but well worth it.

But yea, go and see your doctor and then get referred to a derm.
Yup I don't get spots so much now but i have loads of horrible blackheads. Slightly annoying as I am 22. Had them from like 14!

It really doesn't matter what I eat, washing and drining water helps a lot but it is down to my crappy skin/stupid body.

I know people prefer manly solutions on here but mine get a lot better when I go in the sun. Infact when I go for 2 weeks they almost all go!

I have not tried but I bet a sunbed would have similar effects.
I have had acne since I was about 15, and still have it (although much better than when I was in my teens!) and I have been on every type of anti-biotic you can imagine, some of them just didn't work and the ones that did would wear off after a year or so. I am about 10-month into a course of anti-biotics called Trimethoprim and it has been working pretty well, I still get the occasional spot but none the size that I used to get, and when I do get one the doctor prescribed me some Nicam Gel which does the trick to keep the redness down. If I still get spots after this course the dermatologist is going to put me on Roaccutane, which apparently isn't nice stuff but it works wonders after a few months.

I have also found using certain face washes/moisturisers/aftershave balm give me spots. I can only use the Simple (non-man range) of face washes or the Nivea for men moisturisers, aftershave balm and face wash otherwise I break out pretty bad! Last but not least, I have spent hundreds on over-the-counter anti-acne treatments and none of them worked, except Oxy OnTheSpot (which is basically just Benozyl Peroxide) but it burned my face badly, even after using it for a while as suggests.

Hope it clears up :)


Edit: Diet does not really effect my spots, after a heavy night of drinking I will probably have one or two but even a Kebab wont make them worse!
I am about 10-month into a course of anti-biotics called Trimethoprim and it has been working pretty well

Worked well for me to begin with, then stopped working so I was moved on to Erythromycin (sp?) and then Oxytetracyclin (again sp?!). Trimethoprim tastes nasty too :(

Doctors if you're still having trouble mate, that's the route I had to go. Had everything under the sun they could offer and it still didn't work. In the end I ended up at a dermatologist twice a month, once for bloodtest and then an appointment the following week with the consultant. He prescribed me Roaccutane (horrible stuff). This lasted from September 2005-February 2007.

I strongly recommend that if you're offered Roaccutance, that you don't take it, the symptons are awful, one of them resulting in depression which has been known to result in teenagers killing themselves.
Granted that this stuff worked, I hated it.

Now I just wash twice a day with warm water, flanel and any face wash - Garnier/Neutrogena etc. As mentioned - diet is important too. Eating crap and drinking crap makes the skin oiley and won't help. Drink plenty of water and eat fruit and veg :)

Sun does help, so spend all year away lol. Sunbeds were recommended by some people although the dermatologist told me not to, because Roaccutane reacts badly to sunlight (have to use sunblock etc).
I'm 22 too and get bad acne, not bad as in my face is covered in it... but i get like 1/2 MASSIVE spots on my nose, which is argubly worse

I started taking oxytetracycline 3 years ago, worked like a charm for about half a year, then stopped working... Switched to Minocycline, same thing, worked for ages, then stopped.

Then I moved to erthromycine or something... made me feel ill in the mornings more than the other ones did (although they kinda worked)... I stopped taking them when i started working full time. ATM I'm taking Zinc Tablets (no side effects), i thought they were working, until the other day when I got MASSIVE spots on my nose, and my back is getting bad again...

At the same time, im using this cream called benzol peroxide or something... which is pretty good I guess (and u can just buy it in the pharmacy for 2 quid without prescription).

I am tempting to go back on osme form ive tablets, cause im sick of position my face in a certain direction everytime a camera comes out
Couldn't agree more...

I tried everything , went the doctors aswel, then tried the stuff above and its brilliant. Quite expensive with shipping charges but Id pay double if I had to because it works so well.

I just went to that site... they use the same cream I do, which I bought from boots 2 weeks ago for under £3... dirt cheap

All doctors told me not to moisturise too, just use soap to wash your face (soap without moisturiser) then apply that cream
I use clearsil sensitive face wash morning and night and eat a healthy diet. It works a treat. Never rub you face if you have greeasy or dirty hands, thats a recipe for spots.
How do you get rid of acne?

Go see your GP and see what's best for you. Different people respond to different treatments.

Myself, I've tried every tablet and cream the doctors could give me, then we arrived at Roaccutane. Dry skin yes, but so far it seems to be working.
for the past few months i've using garnier pure to wash morning and night, seems to work really well. Before using this I nearly always woke up to find the off little spots with heads etc now I get none of these just the off one now ad again under the skin.
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