How do you store your eggs?

Well i think after reading most of the replies in here, Im going to start keeping mine out of the fridge.
In the fridge. I figure it keeps them for longer - useful when you only do a shop every two weeks, and I only really use my eggs for microwaved scrambled eggs, so not like I'm losing out in quality...

On the counter/in the cupboard. Never in the fridge, it changes the quality and taste of the eggs and there isn't enough room in my fridge generally.
Well if you store it in the wrong place they can freeze a little.

I prefer my eggs at room temp. Never had them go off, and besides they can pick up the flavours/smells of items left in the fridge too.
Well if you store it in the wrong place they can freeze a little.

I prefer my eggs at room temp. Never had them go off, and besides they can pick up the flavours/smells of items left in the fridge too.

Yes if you put them in the freezer maybe :p

I've never had any problems with my eggs tasting of onion/garlic, or any other flavours to be perfectly honest. What do you keep in your fridge?
some broscience in here.

Keep them in the fridge, always have, always will, never been ill off them and they are great to cook with.

boil/fry/poach them and they are as good as room temp eggs

Its same conundrum as ketchup in the fridge or cupboard. Which I keep in the cupboard as I hate cold ketchup.
Keep them in the fridge, always have, always will, never been ill off them and they are great to cook with.

Same can be said for cupboard based ones.

I keep them in my fridge - same as every professional kitchen I've ever worked in.

Do you also label and date everything, use different chopping boards and the other million and one h&S laws such places have to follow?
Just becuase such laws state it, doesn't mean it is right or needs to be done.
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So which is it? Or does it depend on the egg?
Well if you crack a fresh egg that has been kept in the fridge into a frying pan you'll see the white spreads out across the frying pan. If you do the same with a fresh egg kept in its box in the cupboard, the white holds together. Purely my observations and I don't like fried eggs with thin, spread-out whites, so I don't keep my eggs in the fridge any more :p
I've used many an egg from our fridge and I don't recall those problems that you state above. Maybe you need a new fridge? ;)
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Yes if you put them in the freezer maybe :p

I've never had any problems with my eggs tasting of onion/garlic, or any other flavours to be perfectly honest. What do you keep in your fridge?


Towards the back of the fridge I guess.

I don't know, Johnny may be right, it's been about well... forever since I put eggs in the fridge, and whenever I have (either at my parents or elsewhere) I haven't been happy with the eggs that were kept in the fridge.

How about this for a theory - do whatever you want or feel happy with? :)

Oh and for the bro science comment: :rolleyes:
Keep mine under my pillow....


Seriously in the fridge...always have kept them in mom always kept them in the fridge so why change a habit of a lifetime:p
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