How do you store your eggs?

Eggactly, there is no right or wrong in my books.

I didn't say that ;)

No I know you didn't it wasn't aimed at you old bean :)

I think they keep them in fridges in professional kitchens as it gets very hot there and could affect the eggs - at home, the larder or by the window is more than cool enough - it then gives me space for more goodies in the fridge! :D
just a quick question then regarding boiling the egg. I keep mine in the fridge and add the eggs to boiling water and boil for 7 mins. Eggs always turns out spot on for dippy eggs. Now if i was to keep them out of the fridge, should i alter this time?
Well if you crack a fresh egg that has been kept in the fridge into a frying pan you'll see the white spreads out across the frying pan. If you do the same with a fresh egg kept in its box in the cupboard, the white holds together. Purely my observations and I don't like fried eggs with thin, spread-out whites, so I don't keep my eggs in the fridge any more :p

I find the complete opposite!? Cold eggs don't spread out as much, room temperature eggs spread across the pan. :p
why do all fridges come with egg racks?

Dont keep eggs in a fridge door egg rack, all that openeing and closing of the door increases the chance of the yolks breaking.

l dont keep mine in the fridge as I find they taste better when simply left in a cold, dry* place and eaten pretty soonish.

*Eggs are porous, fridges are wet, hence the egg picks up tastes from the fridge.
I've switched from keeping my eggs in the fridge to keeping them on a shelf in the kitchen, and have to say they are nicer!

Soft boiled eggs and fried eggs just seem better.
Re; the debate on keeping eggs for people here's some information :)

Eggs will last longer in the fridge, provided you don't put them in the door. The cold does make them last, but constant changes in temperature can make them go off quicker. They should be kept nearer the back of the fridge, where the temperature is more constant. For cooking, its better to use room temperature eggs, so get them out in good time.

My microbiology lecturer at university was quite anti egg refrigeration. He claimed that if the egg was cracked into a frying pan straight from the fridge and cooked until it looked OK, the yolk would only be blood warm and since the yolks at that time were sometimes contaminated by salmonella, this could be harmful.

I don''t know about degeneration but I know that the yolks of refrigerated eggs are more likely to break when you put them in the frying pan as the change in temperature is more severe.

A recent TV program gave a chef's reason for NOT keeping them in a fridge was because egg shells are porous, and the eggs would absorb food smells from the fridge contents

I worked as a chef for many years and had large amounts of eggs and they were always in the store room not a fridge. If you fridge them they will spit at you when frying them. Happy days.

The food standard agency says;

  • Store eggs in a cool, dry place, ideally in the fridge.
  • Keep eggs apart from other foods.
  • Clean the storage area regularly.
  • Don’t use eggs after the ‘Best before’ date.
I'm not an expert at all. I just prefer keeping eggs out of the fridge. They won't go off until the date and it's perfectly fine for me. :)
For boiling, pin ***** the fat end of the shell. Lets out the expanding gases and reduces chances of cracking.

Ours are in the fridge, because the wife says so. I'd happily keep them in a cupboard or on shelf.
Just after 3 poached eggs (straight from fridge as per norm), they tasted of ..... egg oh and some black pepper which I grated over the top of them and no didnt store in fridge as well :p
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